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Jakes POV
I sit on the steps waiting for something to happen as I wait for my dad to come home. I had Christmas with Erika yesterday because her family has Christmas today which is actually Christmas. Erika sends me a picture of her outfit which looks really hot. I sent my phone on the step and put a timer on. I run down the steps and stand there in my shorts with my virginity rocks hoodie. Once I see it took a picture I go and send It to her. I sit back in the steps waiting. Soon the door opens

G- why are you sitting in the steps
J- because I'm gonna lose my mind I'm so bored
G- well we have to cook
J- cooking what?
G- food for our dinner
J- just us two?
G- yeah like always
J- and you want me to help?
G- yes


I don't even want to remember anything about me helping my dad cook. My dad was yelling at me the whole time but not in a serious way. I think we fought more than we've ever did which is surprising. But anyways I lay in bed playing madden while I talk to chance and Anthony in our group chat. Then I get a FaceTime from Erika and I rest it on my thighs as I play

J- what's up
E- nothing much just wanted to say goodnight
J- already?
E- it's 1:38
J- is it really?
E- yeah what did you think the time was
J- 2 something
E- you thought that me going to bed was early
J- oh motherfucker, fuck you!

I turn the tv off

J- sorry
E- what are you even doing
J- playing a game

I lay on my side covering myself.

J- are you coming here tomorrow?
E- are you coming here tomorrow?
J- I can go there but I'm gonna be home alone
E- what do you have in mind?
J- *smiles* play some board games
E- *smiles* oh board games
J- yeah monopoly that takes forever to finish
E- I'm down for monopoly
J- so you'll come here?
E- I guess I don't have the right atmosphere for that
J- I agree but do you want me to pick you up?
E- I'll drive there

I turn to the other side

E- *sighs* jake your face
J- I know I know
E- for once I can't stand looking at you
J- yeah thanks babe
E- *smiles* no but Jake it's really bad
J- it's hurts pretty bad too
E- I bet it's literally black

I hear a lot of footsteps out of my bedroom. I sit up and look towards my door

E- Jake what are you doing?
J- shh

I get up and make my way to my door. I open the door and see my dad with a shoes in his hand

J- what are you doing? You scared the shit out of me
G- there's a bug
J- I thought you were gunna kill me
G- you knew I was home
J- you're supposed to be in bed
G- I saw him when I was going to get a drink
J- K well goodnight
G- goodnight

I get back in my room and shut the door

J- I though I was gunna have to kill someone
E- you're really paranoid
J- living in LA has gotten me like this

Next day

Erika texts me

E- I'm almost there

I get up and walk to the front door. I look out the windows and wait for her to pull up. Soon she does and I head out to go and help her as it's slippery

E- you know I could have walked by myself

I grab her hand

J- fine next time I'm gunna let you fall
E- do it and see what happens

We get inside and I shake the snow off of me. I slip my shoes off

J- monopoly is ready upstairs

I grab her waist

E- and it's also 10 am
J- later then?
E- isn't your dad going to be home by then?
J- he's told me he was going some where and then he's going to work

She gently runs her thumb across my bruise.

E- you're cute even though you have bruises everywhere
J- well I hope so because you're about to have sex with me

I pick her up and bring us upstairs. I drop her on my bed

E- you don't understand do you?
J- not really

I put my hands on her knees

J- you look pretty by the way
E- thank you

She comes up and kisses me before laying back down. We both look each other in the eyes for a couple minutes.

E- I love you
J- I love you too

I go and lay down beside her.

E- after this when is the next time I will see you
J- um I don't know, summer?
E- honestly?
J- yeah, erika I have no time
E- that's so far
J- i hate it too but I just can't leave school when ever I feel like it
E- *sighs* I know

I grab her waist and pull her in top of me with the help of her

J- it'll be over soon trust me

She kisses my neck and we chill for the rest of the day and then later we both got what we wanted and it was worth the wait.

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