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October 25
Jakes POV
The warm breeze hits my bare chest as I stand on the balcony. I look off into the distance as the palm trees sway side to side. I hear my phone ringing in my pocket and I take it out to see erika is FaceTiming me. I pick it up quickly as I've missed a couple of her calls this week due to me being so stressed out and busy and this is the only free time I have for a long time. I lean my forearms on the railing

E- finally
J- *sighs* I know bubs
E- what's been going on that you can't answer my calls

She teases me a bit

J- I've just been busy and stressed out. This football and school thing is stressing me out
E- it'll get easier
J- *chuckles* I said that a long time ago and it's only gotten worse
E- maybe because I said it it'll happen
J- *smiles* maybe

I look out to the roads

J- how bout you, you havin' fun
E- some of it is fun but just not all
J- you going to any football games
E- I only go if you're playing
J- *smiles* you're cute you know that
E- *smiles* yeah you tell me often
J- *chuckles* anyways how is everyone?
E- good
J- just good
E- our friends are the same as always
J- how about your family?
E- the same as you last saw them
J- Daniel still being nice
E- surprisingly yes
J- well that's good but uh when is your first class?
E- soon

I watch as she puts foundation on

J- how does your day look
E- *smiles* I tell you every time
J- *smiles* I have to remember 5 days of my day and yours too, that's to much work
E- 9-10, 12-2, 4:30-6:30, 7-8:30
J- that's not that bad till you get to the last one
E- yeah it's a little late
J- I hope you're not walking by yourself
E- who else am I gonna wall with
J- make friends
E- I dont need anymore
J- trust me you do I made 32 new friends in one day and it's pretty exciting
E- that's different
J- yeah but you should try to make at least one other friend
E- no
J- for me?
E- *smiles* you can't do that
J- *chuckles* oh I can

We talk for a bit longer and the one question that I was waiting for comes up

E- when are you coming home?
J- I am home
E- no Jake actually
J- *sighs* I don't know
E- soon though? It's been four months today
J- I can't right now erika with school and everything I just can't right now

She brings me to her closet and she gets changed

E- you promised
J- yeah but I can't just leave school
E- so when?
J- Christmas?
E- that long?
J- that's the only time I have off you have to understand
E- I do it's just...
J- I know it will come fast

I hear the door slide open

N- Jake we to head out in two minutes
J- yeah one sec

He leaves and I face erika

J- K I gotta go but I'll talk to you later
E- I love you
J- I love you too

We hang up and I go get my bag. We both leave and head to go see our coach before our first class.


J- aye did you hear that there's this big Halloween party
N- where
J- some house, one of the guys might know
N- like do we dress up and shit
J- I'm not I stopped in like grade 8
N- same but I don't want to be a party pooper and not dress up
J- if people are I'm probably just gonna throw in a jersey of some sport

October 31

I hook my red suspenders to my black pants and pull them over my shoulders. I laugh as I see the yellow strips at the end of my pants. I put my all black shoes on and grab the two helmets. I leave my room at the same time Noah does and we both just die laughing at each other

N- dude your nips are already hard

I cover my bare chest and throw his helmet at him. I put mine on and so does he

J- not bad, eh?
N- yeah
J- we leave in 10
N- yeah tell me when you are ready

i take the helmet off and I head into my room and close the door. I FaceTime Erika and after a couple rings she picks up. She's wrapped up in her blankets and I stand J- dying of the mirror

E- what's up
J- *smiles* wanna see something
E- sure

As I turn the camera I put the helmet on

E- *smiles* that's really good Jake
J- yeah you think
E- yeah
J- do I look hot?

I grab the suspender

E- you do
J- are you doing anything tonight
E- no
J- awe come in why
E- we never did anything and I have no where to go
J- you can go to my house
E- *smiles* and do what
J- trick or treat I bet my dad would give you a treat

I see her smile and shake her head

N- jake we gotta go soon
J- I'll text you
E- hey I want I picture of you
J- I'll send you one
E- love you
J- love you too

I hang up and quickly take a picture. I hold my suspender out with my thumb and take it. I send it to erika and head out

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