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Jakes POV
I hear her get up

E- if you're not down there imma kill you
J- chill I'm here

The door opens and she drops her phone from her ear to her side. I hang up and put it in my pocket.

E- why?
J- because I know you're not happy with me
E- it was fine jake
J- you say it but I know deep down it's not

I quickly look her up and down as she wears no pants and just a T-shirt.

J- can we go up to your room before anyone sees you like that

I point to her having no pants on. I get in and shut the door. She grabs my hand and brings me upstairs into her room. I put my bag on her bed and take the bag out. I put it on her bed and throw my bag to the ground

J- here

I throw it at her as she sits on the bed


I sit on the edge of the bed waiting for erika to come out of the bathroom. She comes out and stands in between my legs. I grab the back of her legs and she plays with my hair

J- what's been going on around here
E- nothing much really
J- how's Daniel
E- better
J- that's good

I move my hands up and down

E- did you miss everyone here
J- not really

It slipped. Shit. I slowly look up to her

E- what do you mean not really
J- I don't know

She lets go of me

J- Erika I of course missed you
E- how, you just said you didn't miss anyone which is nuts
J- I came here for you no one else
E- if you were here for me than why were you five hours late to the date that you set up
J- I lost track of time
E- I was waiting all night but you didn't show up till one in the morning
J- so it wasn't fine
E- of course not Jake. You're only here for two days so I didn't want to start a fight but look where we are now.
J- it's not a fight
E- fine it's not but you know when I say it's fine it's normally not
J- I know that so that's why I'm here
E- but you messed it up
J- I missed you erika what is the problem

I stand up and grab my bag

J- I leave on Thursday at 9am so that's your last chance

I leave and get in my truck and I drive home. It's like she wants to pick a fight and get me mad but I think it's because I'm out in la. I get home after a couple minutes and head up to my room. I take my shirt off and get in bed.


I wake up at 12:12pm and I head downstairs. I hang out with my dad for the whole day till he has to go to work at 7. I make myself a quick dinner before heading upstairs into my room grabbing my phone. No text from erika and I'm kinda sad. I jut wanted to spend time with her but now I leave soon and it's already night time. I get in bed before putting shorts on and taking my shirt off. I decide to shut my eyes and see if I can fall asleep early.


I wake up to the bed slightly moving and then a body right on top of me. I take a little peek to make sure that it's Erika, which it is. Her head goes in my neck and she plays with my hair. I don't know if I want to talk to her so I just lay there with my eyes closed.

E- I'm sorry
J- it's okay

She tightens her grip on me

J- you stayed mad for a pretty long time which is a new record
E- i shouldn't have been mad because now I only have a couple hours with you
J- I can stay up

I sit up with the help of Erika. My back rests on the head board And we just look at each other. Her eyes sparkle and it puts a smile on my face.

J- you're cute you know that

She smiles and hugs me.

E- so are you

She pulls back and traces my muscles

3 am

E- when do you think you will come back
J- that is something I do not know
E- summer?
J- probably not that's when we go the hardest but I promise I'll try my best to come
E- and longer this time
J- that's something I can't promise
E- will you call me everyday
J- there's possibility that I can make that work but I need I promise from you
E- okay?
J- no crying

She turns red and hides in my neck

J- it's okay I just don't want to see that from you

I feel her nods


J- K I have leave in an hour so I need to drop you off ASAP
E- now?
J- yes
E- no
J- yes now let's go

We head to my truck and I drive to erikas. We stand outside up against my truck

J- I will as soon as possible, okay?
E- *sighs* okay
J- you call me whenever you want
E- and you answer
J- *smiles* yes
E- promise?
J- yes

I give her a kiss but then it turns to a long make out session.

J- I love you
E- I love you too

I get in my truck and grab my hoodie and reach it out the window

J- take it, please

She takes it and we kiss one more time. I back out and before I leave

J- hey I'll see you soon

I see she'd smile before I head back home for my dad to drive me to the airport

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