Chapter XXI - Count to ten

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As she tried to move towards the coward, an arm pushed her back, holding onto her right arm so that she would not take any more steps. Her try to resist wasn't enough for the hand to let go of her.

- Calm down!- Laurens mouthed cautiously low, pulling her away from there.

- You heard what he said! Don't defend him!- Louise's words came more as a scream.

- Let's talk to your brother first.- he had managed to pull the young woman towards her tent.- You can't act hot headed!

Little did Laurens know that they would found Alexander walking around the tent, visibly bothered by something. John finally let go of Louise that made her way to her brother.

- Did you hear what Lee is saying around camp?!- it was impossible for her to contain her anger.

- I did...- Alexander turned to face her, with a serious expression.- I wanted to duel him.

- Then let's do it!- Louise replied, not caring about the dangers.

- Washington forbade me.- he sighed, holding the bridge of his nose.- I can't disobey direct orders...

- Then I'll do it.

Louise did not stutter the slightest, causing two pairs of eyes to face her. She knew that her aim was near perfect and, besides that, Lee would be too much of a coward to even try and shoot her. Only the challenge would be enough to scare him to the core. Alexander was aware of the same: the simple challenge would keep Lee in his place, there was no worries towards the life of his little sister.

But Laurens did not think the same way.

- I will sign up as your second.- Alexander said securely, giving Louise the victory.

-What?!- John shout, completely shocked.- How can you allow this, Alexander!?

-Alexander, go to Lee and ask for an apology.- Louise ignored Laurens' ramble.- If he doesn't apologize, tell him that I will meet him tomorrow at dawn, in the hill west from the camp. Guns drawn.

The older Hamilton simply nodded while exiting the tent, while John was still starring in disbelief to Louise. How could she risk her life like that, only to prove a point? Lee was not a threat, most of the soldiers showed to be on her side. Louise was always cold headed and rational, but now she was acting just like her brother and there was no one that could moderate her.

- Are you out of your goddamn mind!?- John screamed, attracting Louise's attention.

- He is too afraid to shoot me...- Louise replied in a calm tone.

- How can you tell?!- Laurens was getting more and more rampant.- Even if he stutters while giving orders, I don't believe he will be afraid to shoot a...

-A what?!- the woman's scream scared Laurens.

- A woman that has recently recovered from a severe injury.

- A woman that if needed will recover from another one as fast!

- Well, a woman that is a threat to his position!

-I am a threat to his position because he can't take a fucking lead, and decides to drag my name on dirt to try and hide it!

- Oh, so is this a question of honoring your name?!- John laughed ironically.- I thought you were careless about what people said about you, Louise Hamilton...

- Not when they demean me with no fundaments!- she tried to remain calm.- And you heard it: He attacked Washington and Lafayette, that is considered...

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