Chapter XXXII - Home

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After a week of party, the morning of the departure was sober, but Louise Hamilton still thought she was in the middle of a dream.

Everything now was unsure. When they were at war, she woke up every morning and knew what had to be done: fight, kill, and try to stay alive. And, of course after, five years of this reality, no one had the time to think of a life outside the war, especially the woman who thought wouldn't live past twenty.

-All ready?

Louise turned around just to find Alexander standing by the tent's entrance, with a tender gaze. She nodded, closing her suitcase and looking around the tent one last time. It seemed so big on the day she arrived at camp, and now she realized it was small. However, it had been her home during those five years and was filled with happy memories in a tragic situation.


The youngest Hamilton came to realize that she did not know what her next step was: her brother was going home to Eliza and his child, John would stay in New York at least until the end of the year, and Mulligan was opening his own tailor shop.

But her and Lafayette? There was nothing clear besides the fact that they were going to get married. She would probably go live with Alexander until then, even though there was not a settled date.

And the marriage was another thing keeping her mind busy the last few days. Through the 24 years of her existence, Louise never thought that one day she was going to get married without being forced to. It was scary, not to be with a person for the rest of her life, but having to reach certain expectations.

In fact, she was not marrying any man. She was marrying a Marquis, coming from a French noble bloodline that was probably expecting Gilbert to marry someone of the same status. Instead, he was marrying a woman that came from nothing and had nothing of her own besides her merit in battle: and that was not what his family would want to hear.

Her brother, as if he read in her eyes that something was bothering Louise, passed an arm around her shoulders and gave her an encouraging look. That was enough to make her brush away the thoughts and lift up the suitcase, pulling down the tent flap one last time.

Outside, all lined up, were every soldier that fought under her command waiting for her last words before each one of them went back to their own lives and families waiting for them. The female general was moved by this action, fighting back tears in front of her men.

She chose to wear a dress that morning, because deep inside she missed her female side, and this caused some funny looks at first. Louise simply smiled, stopping in front of the group of soldiers some of which were already on top of their horses.

- I think they want to hear some words, Lou.- Alexander nudged her arm in a playfull way.

The youngest Hamilton rolled her eyes at her brother, and turned back to the men while clearing her throat.

- Today, sirs, is your last day under my commands...- she looked at every face that had been part of her life.- While many may say that you served me, I'd rather keep the thought that it was I who served you, making sure you could survive to this day.

While walking, she found some of the wounded soldiers, bringing her to the verge of tears again.

- Unfortunately... I couldn't manage to save every of my men, and some died saving me and this country.- the woman continued, trembling.- As I stare at your eyes for the last time, I see the same fearless men that I met five years ago... the men that were not afraid to follow a woman's lead. My hope is that you feel as honored as I do after all this time, and when you tell your children about the story of the Independence... you mention your humble General Faucette.

The Hamilton GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora