Chapter XXXIII - Missing piece

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November 1781

The wedding was settled for the 18th December, after a lot of ongoing about it between Louise and Lafayette. They were not sure if it was way too early for a celebration, since the war had only ended merely one month ago, but the couple didn't wish to delay it for next year. It seemed to take an eternity to become husband and wife at last.

However, planning a wedding in a month wasn't an easy task, especially to a woman who never thought about it.

- What about roses, Louise?

A very pregnant Eliza held a bunch of flowers fresh picked from the garden, hopping the youngest Hamilton would choose some that she liked, instead of randomly picking flowers for the venue.

- Aren't they too... common?- she raised an eyebrow, turning back to her book.

- But they are still beautiful!- Peggy added.- And they always look good in the venues.

- Choose whatever you want...- the redhead sighed.

-NO!- both Schuyler's shout at the same time.

Louise turned to Angelica, who was busy embroidering a small handkerchief and just shook her head before replying.

- Lou, dear, it's your wedding... You have to give it your own touch.

- But flowers don't seem like a big problem to me!- the youngest Hamilton let out in frustration.

It was indeed frustrating. All she wanted was a simple wedding, with a simple venue because what really mattered was that she was finally marrying the love of her life, not the color of the stupid flowers! Yet, she couldn't stop thinking of how it would be easy if her mother was still there. She would know how to pick something Louise would like, and help her set the most beautiful of weddings. It would all be easier if she was... just there.

And all of a sudden, something came to Louise's mind.

- Peonies...- she muttered.

-What?- Eliza furrowed her eyebrows.

- Peonies... I want peonies.- Louise completed.- They were my mother's favorite flowers.

The three sisters stopped what they were doing and smiled dearly at the redhead in front of them. Even if her mother couldn't be there, they were trying to make that wedding the most perfect it could be, and found lovely how she wanted to add her own meaning to some of it.

-See?- Angelica nudged her.- Not that hard, after all!

Louise just rolled her eyes with a playful grin, but before she could fall right back in her book, Hercules and Alexander bursted into the room, the first carrying a big package with him and a measuring tape around his neck.

- G'day ladies!- Mulligan greeted with his usual flirty voice.- I never thought I'd say this but I'm here for the bride.

The woman just laughed and got up from the armchair where she rested all afternoon, embracing the big man, almost two times taller than her. Next to him, a much smaller Alexander crossed his arms at that view.

- Well, well Louise Hamilton...- he faked an offended tone.- Now you won't even great your own brother before your friends.

- First, you are an idiot.- she walked towards him, with a smirk.- Second, Hercules actually came to bring my wedding gown. What are you doing here, Alexander?

- I came to get my lovely wife, of course!- Hamilton pointed to Eliza, who was amused watching the scene.

-Really?- Louise raised an eyebrow.- You didn't come just to spy on me because you haven't seen me for a week?

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