<<1>> Meeting the Ghost

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Third Person's POV

"Hey! Did you hear about the seven mysteries of this school?"

A girl whispered to her friend.

"No!? Well... I don't know where to start. Then I shall tell you about the most famous school rumour. It's Hanako-
san of the toilet.

Rumour has it that if you summon her, she and will grant you one wish. In exchange, she will get something precious to you."


econd Person's POV (If that exists)

As you and your bestfriend entered the bathroom in the third floor of the abandoned building, you were trying to remember what the rumour said. You knocked on the third bathroom stall three times *knock, knock, knock* and chanted "Hanako~san, Hanako~san. Are you there?"

You closed your eyes in fear and heard a voice saying "Yes. I'm here". A hand curled around the door and it creaked open and nothing was seen inside. You sighed in relief.

"Thank God. I guess it was just my imagination" as you went in to investigate the empty stall, a cold hand landed on your shoulder from out of nowhere.

"You called?" the voice playfully asked. You turned around just to see a translucent body. You pushed this body but your hand just went through. The figure snickered and laughed.

Out of fear you ducked and covered your head. Yashiro, your daikon-haired friend, stood there stiffened. The voice came nearer as the figure came closer to you. "Are you okay?" the figure asked.

'A boy's voice?' you asked yourself. You looked closely at the figure as it sat down on top of the toilet tank. 'A see-through body. The old school uniform. Wisps around him.' "Your a-" "A ghost" he fininshed for you.

"School Mystery Number 7. Hanako-san of the Toilet. Pleasure to meet you" the boy said.

When Yashiro came back to her senses, she suddenly complained; "Are you really Hanako-san? Where is your bob cut and red skirt?" "Those things are out of fashion now." Hanako answered while making two peace signs.

"Out of fashion!?" you and Yashiro both shout in unison. "Are you really.... not just some perverted ghost?" Yashiro asks.

Hanako suddenly  turned gloomy and said "I'm done. Bye." "Wait! I take it back! A boy Hanako-san, is cool!" Yashiro shouted. "Cool?" Hanako asked.

His attitude quickly changed and said "Alright! Tell me your name and your wish!" 'He's simpler than I thought' you said to yourself. "My name is Nene Yashiro. First year class 1A. And I want the boy I like to like me back." your friend said.

As Yashiro spoke, Hanako was writing all the information on his pad. "And who is this boy exactly?" he asked.

"Everyone calls him Minamoto-kun. He is nice, charming, smart and very helpful. He even picked up my pencil case for me" Yashiro said in delight while showing Hanako the picture.

Your sweat dropped at the way your love-obbsessed freind explain her problem to a ghost. While the two were talking about the situation, you decided to take a quick look around your surroundings.

Unkown Fate (Hanako-kun x Reader) (CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now