<<2>> The Ghost's Assistant

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Thinking hard for a plan made your brain tired. Until Hanako shouted "I got it!"
You three suddenly had several plans but only three were chosen.

Operation Button of Love;
Operation Lunch;
Corner of Love;

You, Yashiro, and Hanako were at the loo thinking for some more plans. Yashiro was rubbing her forehead from the crash she experienced on the last plan.

"Gee. Now I thought the last one would really work" you said. "That really went out of hand Yanako-san" Yashiro said.

"Then why don't you just confess to him?" Hanako said while floating in front of Yashiro. "Th-that's too soon!" Yashiro exclaimed.

"Well, I'm still a beginner at this" Hanako said. "Beginner!?" you and Yashiro both exclaimed. "I knew there was something suspicious about you. All of your plans are too pure for a ghost" Yashiro said.

"Then you can call me wholesome Hanako-san" he said. "I bet you only have decent things" you said. "I-i have some non-decent things too!" Hanako exclaimed while searching his pockets.

A variety of stuff fell from his pockets until he found it. "Here" he said while handing out a doll. It kind of looked like your doll. "What is this?" Yashiro asked. "A kokeshi doll" Hanako answered.

Ah right. The name of that doll. "And?" Yashiro asked. "It's kinda erotic" Hanako said. Yashiro threw the doll out of the window and Hanako tried to get it.

"Why did the window have to be open?" Hanako complained. You sighed at what you were witnessing. You and Yashiro looked at each other and looked behind you.

You saw Hanako's red Hakujoudai pick up something from the ground. Yashiro got it and opened it. "Hey Hanako-san, what are these?" Yashiro asked while taking one out.

"Those? They're for matchmaking" "Matchmaking?" "Yashiro. Wait!" Hanako warned her. "Tell me what these things do or else I'll swallow one" Yashiro said while putting one in her mouth.

"Fine" Hanako said giving in. "They are mermaid scales. Before they believed that mermaid scales can tie the fates of two people. If two people swallow these scales, they will share a bond as one sharing a curse."

As Hanako explained what the mermaid scales did, Yashiro swallowed the scale she put in her mouth. You and Hanako panicked.
"Nene~chan! Why did you swallow it!? You heard Hanako~san! You might get cursed!" you shouted.

"Hanako-san. You had the right material all along. Why didn't you tell us" Yashiro said. "Hanako-san. You liar!" Yashiro shouted as she ran out of the loo with the mermaid scales.

Hanako was speechless. You were left there with the quiet ghost as your friend ran out.


Ten minutes have already passed and Yashiro didn't come back yet. You explained this to Hanako and he stood up saying you and him should look for her.

You two split up in two directions. You went around the campus until you saw a fish with Yashiro's brooch. 'Nene~chan!?' you told yourself.

You immediately got your water bottle and put Yashiro in it. You went to look for Hanako and saw him in the garden. "Hanako-san!" you shouted.

Two minites later

"And there" Hanako said while putting your friend in a fish tank. "You should thank your friend for saving you. You could've dried up" Hanako told Yashiro.

"Ta-da!" he exclaimed while holding the fish tank in front of the mirror. "A fish!?" Yashiro shouted. "Seems like it Nene~chan" you said popping out of nowhere from behind.

"I told you. You shouldn't have used these scales. Because of that, you turn to a fish. If you used it on your senpai, the curse wouldv'e been shared between you at least" Hanako explained.

"I'm so stupid" Yashiro said. "If I have only listened to you, this wouldn't have happened" Yashiro said. Hanako just smiled.

"But you just followed your own way. You didn't even bother to listen to me. Idiot" Hanako said as he pushed Yashiro's nose.

"But" Hanako said. "You didn't use this on your senpai. So I can still grant you a wish" Hanako told the petite fish. "Do you wish to be a human again?" he asked Yashiro.

Yashiro kept on nodding. "Yes. Please turn me back to a human" she said. "You got it" Hanako said as he flipped a mermaid scale.

"But.... I'll only give you a limited time to live" Hanako told Yashiro. "In exchange, I'll take..." then he looked at you as he put the scale on his tongue. "Your friend" he said as he swallowed the scale.

Yashiro turned to human when Hanako swallowed the scale. "From now on, Yana~chan will be my assistant" Hanako said. Yashiro felt guilty.

"And besides, it is a fitting payment because I have granted you two wishes" he said. "Two wishes?" you asked.

"Yashiro, you wanted someone to love you back right?" Hanako asked as he entwined Yashiro's fingers with his. As the romantic aura came around, you started to feel sick.

"Sorry to spoil the moment. Can we go home now? I'm seriously missing out watching my favorite show and eating my bucket of donuts!" you exclaimed.

Yashiro laughed. "Okay Yanako-san. Let's go home" Yashiro said while patting your back. "See you tommorow" Hanako shouted. "Bye Hanako-san!" you and Yashiro shouted in unison.

The next day; Lunch Time

You all met at the rooftop as usual. "Hey Hanako, have you seen my hat?" you asked Hanako while pointing at your head. "And have you seen my brooch?" Yashiro asked.

"Nope. And does any of you have my knife?" he asked you and Yashiro suspiciously. "We would never lay a finger on your knife!" you and Yashiro shouted.

"Where did you put it Hanako-san?" you asked. "Over there on that corner of the mat" he replied. "That's where I left my hat too!" you exclaimed.

"And I was just wearing my brooch" Yashiro added. "I'm just gonna go back inside for a while. I feel like I forgot something" you told them having a different plan in mind.

Once you closed the doors leading to the rooftop, you looked down at the ground. "They're perfect" you said while giving a sigh.

As you walked down the empty quiet corridors, you saw something on the ground. 'Hanako's knife?' you told yourself.

After you saw his knife, you saw a trail of stuff. Your hat, Yashiro's brooch, a lunchbox, a towel, some kind of doll and so on. You followed this trail and it lead to a room.

You went inside and saw a big creature. It stared at you for 5 seconds and roared. "You saw me. So I shall kill you like what the rumour said" the creature roared. You screamed that even the students downstairs heard you.

"Scatter them Hakujoudai" you heard a voice say. "Hanako~san!?" you shouted. He immediately hugged you as little objects scattered everywhere.


Heeyyyyy!!!!! Please feel free to correct my grammar errors in this one. I feel like I made a mistake.

And this chapter took me too long to finish because my best friend kept on messing with anything I write.

See you in chapter threeeeee!!!!!!

1203 words

~Shining Jewel

Unkown Fate (Hanako-kun x Reader) (CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now