<<8>> Past Memories

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This chapter has many flashbacks okay? I just wanted to give you a heads up kay? I know no one will mind this note but if you do,

On to the story!!!—>

Yanako's POV

As I ran through the boundary passing various kinds of objects, it seems like I know all the possible places to go and hide. I hid behind a bokshelf which belonged to Mr. Tsuchigomori when he was alive. This bookshelf was stolen from him on a certain night.

Somehow, it's like I can see the past of the object if I touch them. It's weird but I guess it is my ability.

Walking through the boundary some more, I saw a little shrine with something in it. It was a braided bracelet with pink and green strings.

As I opened the little shrine, I suddenly remembered some past memories.

Age: 6/5

As the 5 year-old girl and the 6 year-old boy ran around the park for two hours, they decided to rest for a bit.

The little girl's pink hair flowed with the wind as her bestfriend watched her. On the outside he looks emotionless but in the inside, he is flustered from head to toe. He was silent for a minute now and the pinkette was still watching the birds flying in the sky.

Until the pinkette finally noticed her friend, she looked at him in confusion. "Hey. What's the matter?" she asked in a worried tone.

The boy just shook his head. As his orbs looked through the girl's forst green ones, he held her hands and showed her a bracelet.

"Promise you won't forget me?" the boy asked as he tied the bracelet on the girl's wrist. "Promise!" the girl exclaimed while looking at the boy's black and orange braided bracelet.

The two laughed as they looked up in the sky admiring the clouds.


A tear streamed down my face remembering the boy. I promised him that I won't forget him but, I guess I didn't keep it.

I then felt a hand touch my shoulder. It was Hanako. He was panting from chasing me around my boundary.

"Yana~chan" he mumbled while he was catching his breath. "Are you? Are you really a mystery?" he asked me. I shrugged.

As the tension in the room filled up, I began to fade away. Everyone's starting to forget me. Everyone except for spirits, ghosts and apparitions I met.

Hanako looked at me worriedly. I just gave him a reassuring smile as I disappeared from his hands.


Darkness is all I can see now. Hearing nothing but faint voices of everyone I knew. But the clearest voice of all was  my past friend's voice.

Age: 10/11

Running through the campus escaping the mad class president made the two teens laugh so hard. "Did you see his face!? Haha! I knew he wouldn't be able to catch us!" the blondie exclaimed.

"Yeah! He was shouting so hard, I bet he lost his voice from that" the boy said. "You guys know I can hear you" a stern voice said.

The two teens turned their heads around only to see their muddy and mad class president. It was all silent until....

Unkown Fate (Hanako-kun x Reader) (CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now