Part 5

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"Wow", you look up and see kio with his mouth opened "wow, are y'all like", you got up and ran to kio "don't tell anybody", kio grabbed you're shoulders "your SECRET!!! Is safe with me", he screamed secret to be annoying you put your hand on his mouth and he laughed Amani came down and she walked into the kitchen looking for kio "what's going on here", she walked over to kio and you removed your hand from kios mouth "y/n and Payton were kissing", Amani turned to you "WHAT!!" Amani smiled in shock "remind me to never tell kio a secret everrrrrr", you give kio a stank face and Payton walks over standing behind you "yeah I don't tell him shit either", kio put his arm Around Amani
"So are y'all a thing", kio smiled "Payton looks at you and then you look at him "what pfttt no", Payton waves his hands off nervous "oh, ok well yeah we aren't", you were alittle sad but tried not to show it you walked off with an apple cause why not, Payton goes after you "are you okay I didn't mean to make you feel like that it's just we aren't a thing right", you look at Payton "I don't know what we are to be honest", Payton takes a step toward you before you could leave and grabs your hand "no believe me I want to be with you I just didn't know how you would feel if I just said yeah we are dating", you smile "I want to be with you Payton but I just don't really want to go public with it to soon to our supporters like we can tell the house but I don't want the world to know if we do date", Payton kissed your cheek "well y/n y/l/n will you be my girl.....friend", you blush "I'll think about it", you tease and Payton rolls his eyes laughing "I'm just kidding duh I'll be your girlfriend", you hear awes come from the kitchen "KIO AND AMANI MIND YOUR BUSINESS", Payton shakes his head and you grab his hand to go upstairs as your walking past your room you go by joshs room who is filming a Tea video he posts every Tuesday "well josh having fun", josh turned around and looks at Payton he smiled you were confused cause You thought they didn't like eachother at the moment "come here, oh y/n's here come here then", it was him Anthony Bryce and jaden in the video so far "so y'all obviously see Payton and most of y'all should know y/n right", (keep in mind josh doesn't really have a problem with you he's not mad at you or anything),
"Alright tea for the day is um Danielle Cohn and Kevin spotted doing some kissing of the sort I think or it might be someone else", josh pulls up the picture and shows us you looked hella confused "wait you don't think that's Kevin do you", Bryce looks closer at the picture josh shrugs his shoulders
"Alright next i am going to tell you guys something we have a baecation coming soon a sway house baecation", all the boys gasp sarcastically and you Laugh "well obviously not all of us have boos like Bryce obviously y/n or Payton but most of us I believe are going so stay tuned for baecation vlogs from me and other people who vlog, so yeah that's the end of this video peace", josh smacks the camera as a way of ending it I don't know why but he did
"So um guys we have something to say", you shake your head but Payton didn't see you and continued on saying it "me and y/n are dating soooo yeah, right y/n", you look at Payton and smile you look up at josh and see he was upset he didn't really show it but you could tell "wow", Bryce clapped and so did Anthony, Anthony hugged Payton "awe my boy got his first girl", Payton laughs and Anthony puts him in a choke hold playing around with him you go up to josh who was silent picking up his camera "are you okay josh", he didn't say Anything and walked out of the room you followed him and grabbed him
"Josh are you okay talk to me I don't want you to be upset", he looked dead in your face "the fact that we all had an argument and you lashed out at nessa and me and Payton lashed out at eachother you don't even care you just go and date Payton, you screwed me and nessa already and you don't care", you started to get mad "I didn't screw you and nessa up first of all I said MULTIPLE times that I didn't want you doing whatever the hell you were doing cause you were with nessa so don't say I'm the reason y'all are screwed you did that one to yourself", josh grabbed your shirt and pulled you roughly downstairs so no one can hear you guys "ow josh let go your messing up my shirt, GET OFF", josh let go when you guys got to the basement "YOU DONT CARE!!", you fold you're arms "is that why we are down here so you can yell at me and nobody would hear, and yes josh I do care I know you heard me crying in the kitchen after you left", josh shook his head "it's the fact that your dating him at all", you walk away and josh holds the door so you wouldn't leave "why josh, why are you so messed up about this why do you like me so much I barely even know the real you yeah I was a fan and now I'm not really sure why", you pushed him off and opened the door but sense there is another door to get out the basement josh held it "okay y/n you know how I feel about you I care about you a lot and you continue to punish me", you let go of the second doors knob and look at josh "if you really cared about me josh you would let go of the door let go of your pettiness against Payton and let me be happy with him and just let go of everything that has to do with your feelings toward me because I don't know what I want and your making it really fucking hard", your eyes fill up and a tear falls josh lets go of the door and before you opened it he said something " I don't care if you don't feel the same way or if you want Payton I want you and I don't care about- about-bou...." you turn to Josh crying he couldn't get the words out you quickly hug him "don't cry josh please", he held you so tight it kinda hurt but you didn't care you started rubbing his hair that was on the back of his head "I really care about you too josh but I really like Payton and he makes me happy can you please understand just for me please Josh", you can feel him nod on your shoulder you guys were still hugging it was awhile after until you finally let go you could tell he didn't want to, you look at your shirt and see how wet it was "wow my shoulder is soaked", you laugh and wipe under Josh's eyes with your sleeve "you know I care for you josh your one of my friends how could I not", josh smiled but he still looked sad you put your hand out for him to reach "now let's go fix you and nessa", he looks at you and then your hand you nodd he smiles and grabs your hand and you guys go find nessa eventually you found her on the steps making tiktoks which was kinda odd considering what just happened "nessa", you walk up and nessa gives you a death stare "what do you want home wrecker", you ignore it "nessa I am so so so sorry about everything from after dinner to now I never ever meant to hurt your relationship with josh I really want you to know that and from now in we'll keep my distance but I really want you guys to be happy together and I would hate to just stroll up in here and ruin that", nessa still looked at you in hatred
Josh came up stairs and nessa looked at him "baby you know I love you let's not fight I'm sorry that I was flirting with y/n and I take full ownership to that but please don't end us unless I already did", josh bit his lip waiting for a response "okay, okay josh I'll give you another chance but if you guys ever flirt again we are done cause I deserved better than that", josh sighs in relief and hugs nessa she looked at you devilish but you were still happy anyways "also Payton and y/n are an item now", you look at josh and he puts his hands on his mouth "sorry", you brush it off and nod your head "yeah, yup we are", nessa smiles "interesting, well anyways bye y/n", nessa waved you off and you just walked down stairs
Someone grabbed you and you screamed it was just Payton he pinned you against the wall and starting kissing on your neck you stop him giggling cause it tickled "what are you doing I thought I was about to swing for a second", Payton bit his lip "I just missed my baby" he went back to kissing your neck wish you enjoyed but eventually he had to stop cause kio and Amani were coming "stop, stop kio and Amani are coming", Payton stopped and you fixed your shirt
"Hey guys well we are ordering lunch just wondering what you guys would want", you could tell kio looked awkward I looked at Payton and he looked at me we laughed and kio just walked away "Taco Bell it is, I'm outta here", kio speed walked away payton grabbed onto your waist and pulled you closer and he continued to kiss your neck "I want to give you something", he said with his breath on your neck you whisper in his ear "what is it", 2 seconds later you could feel wet coolish lips press agains the crook of your neck you didn't react right away but after realizing the pleasure you start to lowly moan then you felt a sucking sensation you knew he was giving you a hickey but you didn't care after a few minutes he finally stops and leaves wet kisses on your neck to your chest because you were wearing a tank top
"Payton- Payton wait", you stopped him and he looked confused he bit his lip "sorry did I do something", you shook your head
"no you were great it's just I don't really want people to think I'm a hoe for having a hickey..... I have one huh" Payton moved for hair "uh yeah but it's kinda small, I'm sorry y/n", Payton hugs you and you hug him back with your head on his chest. He rubbed your head until Amani bursted in with avani
"Hey bitch wanna pixie stick", Amani handed you a pixie stick "My mom said those turn you into a whore", you say grabbing it "probably", avani says after "yup y'all are tiktok girls, well imma go with the guys", Payton kissed your cheek and went upstairs "SHIP!!!!", avani giggled and you smile opening the pixie stick "blue is like the best flavor no cap", Amani grabbed it and tasted it "I never had the blue one but yeah it's good", you snatched it from her playfully and they noticed your hickey "wow that's big", your eyes widen nervously and you run to the nearest mirror and see how big it actually is "shit,shit,shit I should have stopped Payton sooner I didn't want a huge hickey for the world to see", Amani and avani didn't say much and there was awkward silence for a second "you know what i don't care I should be able to enjoy my self with Payton without other people's opinions", Amani and avani made sneaky faces "so y'all are gonna do freaky things together", you laugh then scoff shocked at what they just said all the guys come down because postmates brought the Taco Bell (idk if postmates does Taco Bell but w.e) nessa shortly came down while giving you a death stare "what's her problem"
Amani shook her head "I literally have no idea", you ignore it and walk to the kitchen "josh can you hand me a chalupa please", josh threw it playfully accidentally hitting Bryce in the head "bruh I can not with you", Payton started laughing he handed you three tacos and you thanked him "so y/n are you gonna tell your fans you and Payton are dating", she took a bite of her sandwich and everybody looked at you "um, we kinda want to keep it under wraps for now if that's ok with you nessa", you gave her slight attitude "I was just asking cause everyone here is already public with their relationships but you guys haven't", you roll your eyes cause it was none of her business questioning you "why don't you just mind your business nessa my relationship doesn't concern you", everybody was eating quietly because they could feel the tension between y'all "okay let's just eat and talk about something else like how we are supposed to do a collaboration with hype house soon", Jaden interrupted "wait really, wow", amanis eyes widen cause she didn't expect that "their comatose to me", josh made a stupid joke "that literally makes no sense don't Disgrace my song like that", josh giggled
"Ok rOCksTAr", josh mocked jaden "awe stop, my poor baby", Maddie hugged jaden (Ik they broke up😔) nessa covered joshs mouth "your so mean babe", she looked at you and rubbed Josh's hair "okay I'm going upstairs I think I'm done", you walk away and Payton goes after you "wait hey what's wrong", you turned around and folded your arms "I'm full", you shrug it off "but you only ate one taco", you sigh annoyed "nessa is just really annoying trying to expose us for what; I want to keep it private and you want to too right", Payton didn't say anything for a few seconds "well I mean we never really talked about that", he pressed his lips together "well I mean do you want to go public I just didn't want to yet because of all the hate I would get", Payton smiled
"I want to do whatever you want i just want to be with you", he leaned in for a kiss you put your arms around his shoulders and he put his hands on your waist lowering his hands "ugh I love you", Payton says lowly you stopped him "what did you just say", Payton looked shocked cause he didn't mean to say it
"I uh um", you didn't really say anything cause you didn't know what to say "do you not love me", Payton looked sad "no- I mean not no it's just I- wasn't thats a little to fast though", Payton gets as close as humanly possible to you "I loved you sense the first day I seen you, and I was like she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen sense I seen you on tiktok I fell in love and I'm so happy to be with you now", your eyes filled up because nobody ever expressed feelings for you like that before "Payton I- I love you too", you kiss him and a tear falls down your cheek as you close your eyes deepening the kiss



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