Part 8

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Vacation is over -

~After everything that happened a few days ago you just wanted to focus on yourself and Payton


"Okay girl you ready to go to the airport we're about to leave", mads peered her head in the room waiting in the hallway you nodded and grabbed your stuff walking out Amani and kio where already out in the hall "alright I'm ready to go", Payton helped you with your things. When you guys arrived to the airport you noticed Payton was acting strange every time he would be around you.
"Um are you okay your acting kind of weird today you were fine the whole trip what's wrong", Payton didn't say anything and he walked past you, you stood there and Amani came over to you "what's going on with Payton first this morning when we were waiting outside he was like being all buddy buddy with nessa and she took his phone for a little,  typing something but I wasn't sure what, he's acting  really weird", you look at Payton and see him talking to nessa "wait did you just say nessa had his phone and typed something", Amani nodded "do you think she like gave him her number or something", you started getting a little angry cause you wanted to know why he was being so awkward and why he was talking to nessa a lot "I mean this is bull because we told each other after the big blow up in the hallway that we love each other and we are going to visit each other when we leave now he like doesn't want anything to do with me it's just so...I don't, it just makes no sense", Amani shrugged and kio called you guys because the plane was boarding soon josh walked over to you "can we um talk on the plane if that's okay with you", you nodded and walked on together josh sat next to you and so did kio "I have to ask you something cause it's kinda bothering me, so nessa and Payton are acting kinda flirty did you notice", you look at Payton who wasn't paying any attention to you
"Yeah I noticed I asked him why he's getting so weird around me and he just walked away didn't even say anything, so I was like okay this is really weird", josh shook his head "well I don't know what to do we can talk more about it when we get back to the house right now i just wanna sleep", josh put on his headphones and closed his eyes you thought for a second and went on your phone watching Payton he didn't sit next to nessa but you found it weird how he didn't even acknowledge you or the facts that josh was sitting next to you or even talking to you.
You didn't sleep the whole plane ride but everyone else did you went on snap and seen a picture from
A few hours ago posted on Payton's snap saying hacked and it was nessa doing a kissy face and wrote
"I love the time I'm spending with Payton"
You thought to yourself wow this B is bold you wanted to go to the bathroom but josh had his body sunk into the seat so his legs were blocking the small amount of room there was so you tried going over him and there was a jerk from the airplane a harmless jerk though but you ended up falling on his lap and he instantly woke up and took his headphones off
"Omg josh I'm sorry are you hurt, I needed to go to the bathroom and the plane jerked", he smiled "no that's okay I thought you got hurt or something I wasn't sleeping you know that right", your cheeks turned red "oh so you knew, I would have just tapped you", josh grinned "awe poor baby, are you going to the bathroom or are you going to use me as a toilet", you giggled nervously and got off his lap and reached over kio who was actually sleeping for real "and btw don't call me baby", you do a side smile "Mk bab- I mean y/n", josh loved messing with you flirtatiously, you went to the bathroom and even though josh made you smile you still felt sad about nessa and Payton but you couldn't really do anything on a moving plane so you waited for the flight to be over which will not be until a few more hours, you threw some cold water on your face and smiled in the mirror waiting for your eyes to not be so red you went back to your seat and josh went back to laying down "you really gonna make me do this again", you whispered, josh didn't respond because he was listening to music you got back into your seat you tapped josh a few times to show him the picture of nessa on Payton's snap he looked at it but he didn't really have much of a reaction "are you—your not really saying anything", josh gave you back your phone "because I don't really care, you know what we should do a little experiment how about we try to make them alittle jealous", you were unsure about the plan because you didn't like the fact that Payton did that to you with nessa "but Payton already did that to me and it sucked I don't want to do it to him", josh stared at you for a good 5 seconds "your such a good person that's why I love you", you look at him like what did you just say, "as a friend geesh", you laugh at him and he grins "so what do you say do you want to do an experiment type thing", you think about it for a few "sure why not there's worst things right", josh sits up "now your talking so like we just flirt or whatever I mean I know this is awkward but the main reason why I want to do it is to see if they still care about us you know", you nodded slowly

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