Part 12

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You sat down on the bed and put your hands on your head and stay there, "why are you sitting like that", you look up and see Cynthia, "oh hey um nothing", she walked over to you and sits next to you it was kind of a relief that it wasn't Amani or josh, "you want to talk about it clearly somethings bothering you", you sigh and start talking slowly, "ok, ok so my bestfriend just told me he has feelings for me but the issue with that is i have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend which is my other bestfriend so as you can see I'm really torn", Cynthia looks up at the ceiling, "well I think it's only right that all 4 of you guys sit down and have a conversation with each other but first you have to find out how you feel about the guy first", you think about what Cynthia just said, "I love both but in different ways I love josh romantically and in a boyfriend way and I love kio in a best friend non romantic way", Cynthia looks at you and smiles
"Wait kios the guy bestfriend.....he's hot", you shake your head, "aren't you dating quinton", she nods and smiles, "yeah but I'm not blind kio is a whole snack a slice of cake", you brush of Cynthias comments, "yeah, thanks for the advice though i think I'll use it so we can all talk it's only fair to all of them", Cynthia hugs you and josh walks in with Amani at the same time, "why is Cynthia here", josh teased her and went over and picked you up spinning you around, "no stop put me down", you giggle and hold on to him, "I missed you", josh kisses your cheek and puts you down on the floor, "yeah thanks I'll just chill here on the floor", you get up and dust of your butt
"I think I'll leave now sense you guys need to talk", josh looked at you and Cynthia confused so did Amani, "talk about what", you try to figure out what to say, "nothing just talk about what I'm wearing tomorrow", josh smiled at you and grabbed you hugging you, "you already know I'm gonna have you looking right, I get to pick the outfit right?", josh leaned you so far back while hugging your back arched, "yes, obviously", Amani looked in the corner awkward, "I wish me and kio are like you guys but he's never that affectionate with me", josh pulls you back up so your backs straight, "awe here I'll give you a hug buddy", josh gave Amani a tight hug and swayed her back and forth, "there now you won't need kios weak hugs", Amani hugged josh back, "you know it's not the same right, but thank you", she pulled from the hug and went to the bathroom to get dressed, "I forgot to say your pjs look cute on you", he put his index finger in your shorts and pulled you to him, "you're being so clingy today what's good?", you put your head on Josh's shoulder while he had his arms wrapped around your waist, "i have my days so how are you", you shrug your shoulders, "could be better how about you", you kiss Josh's shoulder then his neck, "it's great now that your here with me, did you see kio crying he looked pretty sad he walked right passed me I don't think he even noticed me", you take your head of josh shoulder, "I know why", josh squinted his eyes, "it was because of me he told me he- he uh...he said he likes-me", you close your eyes hoping josh wouldn't over react, "oh that's it i thought it was something else", you look at josh shocked, "I thought you would be mad", josh shakes his head, "why would I sweat it your mines and plus I already kinda knew I mean the way he cares for you and all plus I peep the way he looks at you kio obviously has a thing for you", you look down, "yeah but I feel like the bad guy", josh pulled you by the waist forcing a hug on you, "you can't force someone to have feelings you can't it just happens so don't worry about kio he will get over it", you here the door open and it was Amani coming from the bathroom, "kio just broke up with me", you push josh off of you and walk over to Amani, "what! Why!", Amani threw her phone on the bed and walked out you went after her and left josh,
Y/n walks out to go chase after Amani and I grab amanis phone going to kios room banging on the door, "open the gotdamn door kio I know your in there", I banged on the door a few times and showed him amanis phone, "how could you break up with Amani over the phone, are you serious", kio tried closing the door not wanting to here it then i pushed it back with my foot before it could close.
"Are you really gonna ignore what you did was a dick move, now Amanis running to god knows where crying with y/n chasing after her, I know you told y/n you have feelings for her and I'm not mad I just think your acting like a dick to the wrong person just because my girlfriend turned you down doesn't mean you hurt Amani", kio chuckled, "your girlfriend really, don't act like you love her because when she left you didn't even say goodbye don't forget that", I rolled my eyes, "it wasn't even that big of a deal she was only leaving for 2 weeks and breaking up with Someone who loves you over the phone now that's fucked up, and kio my girlfriend will never want you just face it she loves me", i smile and kios eye twitched he pushed me to the ground and started punching me over and over again it got so loud that people from other rooms were calling security and when they got there the room was filled with people trying to pull them off.
Before you left the hotel looking for Amani you get a call from Anthony saying josh and kio got into a huge fight, "WHAT!!", you hang up standing in the hallway wondering if you should go to Amani or josh and kio, "damn it", you run back up to the room because you knew if you were there they would stop and you couldn't find Amani anyways, you ran into the hall and see josh and kio being held down by 3 cops each putting them in cuffs and a bunch of people standing around them, "what are you doing stop", the security didn't say nothing Josh's face was all bloody and kio barely had a scratch on him so you know who started it, "stop why are you arresting them", the security pulled you back out of the way so they can get them out the hallway into the police cars to the station, josh looked at you and you saw all the blood and just wanted to hug him but you knew you couldn't.
Anthony went over to you and gave you a hug, "I don't know what happened are you okay", you turn your head and everyone was looking at you, "can't wait to see this on YouTube everywhere", a few people were stammering, "why don't you all shut the fuck up please and thank you!!!", you look at Anthony and Avani then walk down to the lobby, "what's going on", Amani came over confused you hugged her, "kio and josh got into a fight and i have no idea what's going to happen and i don't even know what station there at ugh it's just to much", mads, jaden, Bryce and griffin came too, "I heared what happened kio and josh got arrested", you nod your head at Bryce and he hugs you, "his face, joshs face was so bloody Bryce", Bryce hugged you tighter and your eyes got watery, "hold on I'm getting a call......hello, oh hey know how where, okay thank you so much Cynthia said there at the closest station to the hotel isn't there only one like a few blocks down from here", Bryce shakes his head relived that's you guys know, "I'm gonna order an Uber right now, wait who's coming", everyone looked at each other, "um how about me, Bryce Amani and Anthony cause josh loves Anthony, right", you look at everyone to see if they are cool with it and they all agree, "the Uber will be her in a few minutes", you and the rest going into the Uber went to wait outside were a bunch of fans came over to you, "y/n are you okay is josh okay can you tell us", you get overwhelmed by everyone and Bryce could see you were about to have a panick attack because you don't do good in big crowds, "alright guys back up please we are about to go find josh and kio that's all we can say right now", everyone still continues to hound you and Amani because you guys are dating josh and kio but they don't know kio and Amani broke up Bryce sees the Uber and you guys make a run for it passed everyone and eventually get in, the driver drives pretty fast, "omg are you guys some type of celebrity's", you tried catching your breath cause you couldn't breath cause of the overwhelmingness of it all you put your head on Bryces shoulder and wait till you get to the station
Bryce wakes you up cause you ended up falling asleep, "wow did you actually fall asleep", you laugh and rub your eyes, "what can I say your comfy", Bryce smiled and helped you out the car then closed the door and you guys walked in and went to the front, "hi are Josh Richards and Kio Cyr here they should be here are they here", you were tapping on the desk with your ring and Bryce pulled you back, "alright hold on I can see your anxious but just calm down", the person at the desk didn't say anything she was typing, "alright yes there is a kio and a josh they were just booked", you laugh and wave your hands no
"What were are my friends", you start to get loud and Anthony grabs you, "y/n calm down", you roll your eyes and Anthony had your arm, "what do you mean booked", the lady kept typing, "I mean they are getting their fingerprints taken pictures taken and their stuff taken not anything serious so your little friend can calm down that's all I can tell you for now and only kio would be going to prison but josh didn't press chargers that's all I can really say right now so please sit and be patient", you sit next to Anthony and Amani and fidget, until someone calls you and you get up away from everyone else, "hello, josh!!!!, omg are you okay", you sigh, "yes I'm okay my face hurts really bad tho how are you are you okay I saw your face when you saw my face and you looked scared, babe I'm sorry that you had to see me like that", you smile, "no babes I'm fine don't worry about me are you okay why were you guys fighting in the first place", your phone stopped to show you were getting another call and you answered it putting josh on hold, "hello, kio?", there was a pause, "y/n it's me, I'm so sorry", you interrupt him, "no, kio it's okay im just more worried about you and josh I don't want anything worse to happen, kio what happened", kio sniffled, "I I'm sorry that I'm a jerk and I'm a bad friend and I didn't except you and josh together I'm so selfish, I started the fight with josh I beat him up it's my fault hate me not josh okay", you could here kio crying, "no stop kio don't cry okay I know it's hard trust me I've been threw it but I love you so much and you and josh are the two men that I care most about in my life and if you guys are fighting then I don't know what I'll do okay", you tried not to cry but you couldn't help it and you started to but you didn't want kio to know
"Um wait I have to go back to call josh okay", kio said okay and you went back to josh, "what happened", josh tells you confused, "kio called me, I'm sorry I had to take it", Josh's didn't care, "it's okay i understand, wait I have to go", josh hung up and you sat back down and didn't say anything just thinking, "what they say I know it was them", you look at Amani, "they said I'm sorry and kio told me her started it and I said I didn't care I'm not mad at them", Amani grabbed your hand, "did they tell you why there fighting", you shake your head, "I don't know I'm assuming it was about you cause it happened after you stormed out the room", Amani sighs angrily, "so this is because of me", you shake your head, "no it's wasn't I think josh was trying to defend your honor", you smile at Amani and she smiled back, hours went by and still no word everyone was asleep except you and Anthony, "hey you want something form the vending machine", Anthony said yes and told you what he wanted you went over and avani was calling you, "finally someone picked up I'm worried what's the word", you enter the money and push the numbers, "nothing yet we've been waiting it's dark out and they are still in there", the food fell and you grabbed it, "what are you doing", avani asked you cause of the noise, "I'm getting Anthony and I a snack because Amani and Bryce are sleeping and we haven't ate anything all day except that dinner lunch thing, can I call you back", Avani said yeah and you walked over to Anthony and sat down handing him chips, "thanks, I haven't asked but are you okay", you shake your head, "well yeah but no kio told me he liked me and I basically rejected him and he broke up with Amani over the phone then she left mad and I chased after her until I found out that kio and josh were in a huge fight and the whole hotel was there, well not the whole hotel but you know what I mean", Anthony laughs eating his chips, "that's kinda cute defending your honor", you chuckled, "not my honor Amanis I'm pretty sure", Anthonys eyes widened, "don't tell me Josh's is having feeling for Amani now", you look at Anthony with a stank face, "I'm kidding, maybe it was about amani at first then it turned into being about you and then josh rubbed it in kios face that he will never get you and then kio attacked him", Anthony said it like he was reading a book, "wow that's what you got out of all that you should be a detective like Lucifer", Anthony laughed and almost chocked on his chips and you both laugh at each other, "I hope they get released soon", you kept looking at the door hoping to see kio and josh walk through, "me too", a few more hours passed and nothing, Bryce and Amani woke up, "Their still not out", Bryce groans and stretched on the chair. "I guess this takes longer than i thought", you look at the door and see the knob wiggle then stop you get out of your seat and stand in the middle of the room everyone stood with you the door opens and you see an officer talking to josh and kio before letting them go when he stopped talking kio and josh walked out and you were the first person they look at, josh smiled at you with his bruised face you ran over and jumped on him he swayed you around with your legs wrapped around him, "at least my body doesn't hurt", you and josh laugh together and he puts you down, "it's been so long I missed you", you kiss Josh's hand cause you didn't want to aggravate the cuts on his face and you look at kio who was looking at you and you run over to him hugging him, the tightness of his hug was comforting, "kio", you kept hugging him and he didn't want to let go but you pulled away to look at him, "hi", he smiles at you and hugs you again, "hey y/n", his voice was low and calm he pulled from the hug and keeps smiling at you, "i missed you guys", you look at kio and josh and pull kio to everyone else, "ouuu buddy your face", josh rolled his eyes, "yes I know my face, damn how are we supposed to get our stuff we aren't even allowed in the hotel ever again", josh sat down, "well we can get your stuff and go back home", you sit on joshs lap and kissed his head over and over again, "don't ever be gone like that again", josh looked up at you and kissed you, "ouch fuck sorry I guess I shouldn't kiss for awhile", josh licked his busted lip, "that's okay I'll do all that for you", you started playing with Josh's hair and Bryce was setting up another Uber, "me Anthony and Amani will get your stuff and tell everyone else if they wanna come or stay", Bryce, Amani and Anthony went to wait outside, "oh here", you pull out joshs necklace and put it on him, "it's was on the floor", you get off his lap and go to kio, "and here", you give kio back his ring that was also in the hallway on the floor, "how do you know what my ring looks like", kio puts it on and looks at you, "I'm a really observant person, like how you have a piece of lint in your hair", kio rubs his hand threw his hair shaking it, "is it gone", you pull it out of his hair, "now it's gone", kio looks at you and you look at him, "come sit stop standing there like you don't know what to do", you and kio sit down, "should we get an Uber and go get some food cause I'm starving", kio looks at you and josh, "yeah okay but let's go somewhere across from the hotel and ask them to meet us that sounds good right", josh and kio nod their heads just caring about food.

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