Part 14 (final part)

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You continued to look at the ceiling and there was a moment of dead silence, until josh got up and put his pants on taking off his Condom wrapping it in a paper towel that was on your shelf next to you he still didn't say anything you sit up, "did you here me", josh looked at you and walked out, "josh stop I want to talk about this", josh came back into the room, "talk about what the fact that you literally had sex with me and then told me you had a sex dream about the guy that likes you yeah I'm sorry y/n if I don't have Anything to say to that, I'm going downstairs me and Bryce are making a liquor run for the party try not to get fucked up this time", you stay on the bed in shock that he just said that to you, "really don't leave", josh walked out and didn't say anything to you you got up and before you did Amani came in, "so you're having sex dreams about kio", Amani looked at you disappointed, "i-I'm sorry I didn't know why I did", Amani laughed of her Anger, "he literally broke my heart and your having sex dreams about him you have a boyfriend did you forget that, how would you feel if I had sex dreams about josh", you get off your bed getting mad, "that's not even the same kio broke up with you before I even had the dream and I can't control dreams so why are you getting mad at me for something I can't control Amani and I had one dream not dreams", Amani huffed, "you only have dreams like that when you have feelings, when you are attracted to someone so let me tell you do you like kio cause if you do I won't be mad I just want to know cause it kinda sucks how you told josh and didn't tell me", Amani walked off before you could even answer her question the truth is you do have feeling for kio but you never knew when it became more than a friendship kinda feeling for him. 
you go after Amani and see kio in the hallway, "so your having sex dreams I here", your mouth drops because now kio knew, "I'm so sorry kio I know you have a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend and Amani is your ex I didn't want to have the dream", kio looks at you and smiles, "why are you apologizing, I've wanted to be with you sense day one now that might actually be possible because you clearly like me you just haven't let yourself admit it yet", kio walks over to you, "what do you want", he whispered it seductively and pushed your hair behind your ear, "right now I really...want to get out of here", you walked past kio and went outside and sat on the steps for awhile when a car pulled up it was josh and Bryce carrying bags of Liquor, "josh", he walked past you and you grabbed the bag, "please stop we need to talk", josh pulled away from you and you pulled back and the bag ripped and the liquor fell and smashed all over you and josh, "JUST STOP Y/N!!", josh pushed you back and picked up the liquor bottles that was broken and threw it into the grass not caring and grabbed the liquor that didn't smash, "I payed good money for that", Bryce groaned and walked into the house, "so your just gonna ignore me, I CANT CONTROL IT!!!", josh got mad and slammed the glass back on the ground and grabbed your upper arms firmly, "just stop talking!!! I don't want to here from you see you or even be in the same room as you for the rest of the day can't you at least do that for me, better yet dream about it", he pushed you back and just kicked the glass into the grass and walked in you turn and see cars pull up assuming it was people for the party. 
"Great", you say to yourself and walk back in and try to keep as much distance from you and josh as possible you were practically hugging the walls until you got to the stairs and went to your room when you walked in kio was on your bed, "why are you here", you kick your slides off your feet, "i want to see if you are okay", kio gets up and walks over to you, "people are here you should go enjoy it after all its for you, and josh", kio smiles and pulls you closer to him, "or me and you can hang out for awhile", kio licks his lips, "why do you do that, why whenever I'm having a bad thing or time your always here but not for me for yourself all those times when you comforted me did you just want do stuff and not actually be here for me", kio frowned his eye brows and backs up, "how could you even say that, are you tryna say I'm planning to take advantage of you when your vulnerable and sad", you fold your arms
"I don't know are you kio cause when ever I'm sad you always wanna act like this", you started getting loud, "LIKE WHAT!!", Music started playing from downstairs and the floors were thumping, "like you wanna.... HAVE SEX WITH ME!!!", you started yelling, "YEAH CAUSE MAYBE I DO", after that you walked over and jumped on kio kissing him he pushed you up against the wall aggressively like he wanted to do this forever, you were only in underwear and a really long shirt that looked like a dress it was Josh's shirt, kio threw you on the bed and you bit your lip, kio was kissing your inner thighs and went to your lower stomach kissing up as he pulled Josh's shirt up at the same time, "you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this", kio practically broke your bra taking it off and kissed your Boobs you moaned as loud as you could cause the music was super loud and nobody could here, "I want you so bad", kio was kissing your neck and took his pants off, "wait wait-stop, stop", you push kio off and he falls on the floor you pull the shirt down and before you do you see your bra on the floor and cover your mouth, "oh-no, nooo", you start to sob and clutch josh shirt realizing it was his and not yours because you forgot for a second, "what?, we were having a good time", you look at kio and then look at Josh's shirt and clutch it pulling it to your face, "I love josh I've always loved josh, it's always going to be josh", you pull this shirt down and get up off the bed and fall to the floor, "I can't believe I did this", kio gets down to the floor you had your knees on the ground holding your head kio put his hands on your back, "don't touch me just get out", you point to the door and start crying louder and crawl to a corner pulling your knees to your chest laying your head on your knees sobbing you could just feel your whole body vibrating to the music and a bunch of people and kept crying you could barely move, the door opened, "i said get out", the door closed and you look up barely seeing who it is your eyes filled with tears everything was blurry, "are you okay what happened", you try to wipe your eyes from the tears but new ones kept coming and coming, "please go whoever it is", the Person sat next to you and you had your head on your knees, "no" you could barely even make out the voice due to the music, "it's Bryce", you look over and see Bryce you blink to get the tears out, "omg Bryce", you hug him and didn't want to let go he chuckled and hugged you back, "what's going on", you look in front of you, "I just made out with kio and- and", before you could finish you started crying again this time you couldn't stop Bryce grabbed you and you layer on his shoulder, "I love josh so much Bryce he's the love of my life and I can't believe I did this", you squealed alittle saying (this) and Bryce just kept holding you, "I promise that it's gonna be okay josh loves you more then anything he talks about you every single day every minute when your not there, about how much he wants to spend his life with you and he wants to have kids with you how your the only person that can make him happy when he's sad and how if you guys broke up he would die inside and how he can't live without you", you get off Bryces shoulder, "he really said that", Bryce nodded you started crying again but Bryce stopped you, "no stop crying and get your mans", you sigh, "what if he doesn't want me back after what I tell him just happened", Bryce grabs your hand, "girl after what I just told you I'm pretty sure he will forgive you", you get up wipe off your tears and try to smile and find josh there was a pool of people you see josh from behind and when he turns around you see him with another girl kissing her and dancing with her he was drunk but it still hurt but you couldn't be mad because you just mad out with one of his best friends your whole heart sunk and you stared at him, josh saw you and he stopped kissing her and stood there disappointed in himself he looks at his drink then you and his eyes were red and his face looked sad you walk away and go outside but you could still here the music so you didn't really escape you start walking past the gate not knowing were you are going you just keeping walking someone came behind you and you flinched it's was chase Hudson, "hey stranger", you look at him and open your mouth, "your here", chase hugs you and you hug him back, "I know we didn't really have a good time last time at the part but hey", you smile and chase walks beside you, "why are you out here crying and now enjoying the party, don't think I didn't see you crying", he nudged you, "i— it's a lot, I can trust you right?", you look at chase, "duh I mean we are friends right", chase winks at you, "ok well here goes, I had a um a sex dream of kio and I told josh and he got mad and apparently he thought it was a pass to get drunk and make out with a random girl I've never seen before well then again I didn't really see her face so I don't know who she is", chases eyes widen, "he got mad over a sex dream, what a pussy", your mouth drops and you look at chase, "woah tell me how you really feel", chase stopped walking and you stopped with him, "josh is an idiot your beautiful i can see that and if he gets mad over a sex dream he's very insecure and also he's probably jealous of kio......did you enjoy it—the dream?", you shake your head, "I liked the moment of the dream but I hated the outcome I don't like hurting josh but I always keep making mistakes", chase frowns his eyebrows, "mistake(s), plural?", you look down and tell him, "I made out with kio and we almost had sex but I stopped him because I knew it was wrong and I hate myself for even letting it happen in the first place", someone pushed chase, "what the hell spreading our business now", chase hit his head on the side of the sidewalk, "oh- kio why would you, what is wrong with you", you push kio who was hovering over chase
"Are you okay I'm so sorry", you lift up chases head and put his head on your leg, "can you call an ambulance please he's nleeding he might have a concussion", you start to plead with kio but he won't budge you pull chases phone out his pocket and call for an ambulance kio grabs you and pulls you up from chase and his head falls back on the ground, "what are you doing stop he needs help", you try to pull away from kio but he pins you against the cement wall, "ow-kio stop what's wrong with you", kio groaned, "you can't just fuck with my head and think there will be no consequences", kio pulls your arm trying to bring you back to the house, "we are telling josh everything right now", you pull away from kio and walk back to chase and he grabs you by the arms turning you around, "can you for once in your life think about someone else and not yourself it's really exhausting", you slap kio after pulling away from his grip, "fuck you, I'm not Being selfish I'm trying to go see if my friends ok how is that selfish your selfish for acting like this now leave me alone so I can check on chase please", you walk away and kio goes in front of you and stops you by kissing you you push him away, "what is wrong, are you okay why are you acting like this", you were genuinely concerned and confused why kio was being so weird, "i need to check on chase ok we can talk later if you want", he didn't say anything and you walked passed him, "I'm in love with you okay y/n I love you more than anything and i don't know why I love you so much it just came on", you stop and turn, "kio I love you too but you know I love josh and you kept forcing yourself on me not physically but mentally making me think that your what I wanted and you don't even realize that you were doing it that's the sad part saying "you know you want me" like what type of friend does that you knew I was happy with josh and you tried so hard to wedge yourself between us and you know what it worked because he is drunk right now making out with some girl congrats you got your wish josh and I are over I'm pretty sure", kios eyes fill with tears and he walks away and you walk back to chase and put his head back on your leg, "chase I'm so sorry the ambulance will be here soon", you rub chases hair and wait for the ambulance the ambulance arrives and they take chase you couldn't go in because you weren't family they shut the door and you waited till the ambulance was out of your sight and then you walk by with a bunch of people still there you try to find Bryce so he could bring you to the hospital you couldn't find him until you see him in his room making out with a girl you close the door and he didn't see you then you laugh covering your mouth you see josh at the table playing beer pong, you walk passed him but he pulls you over to him, "were are you going", josh grabs your waist holding you close to him, "you reek of alcohol", you tried pushing away but josh was still holding you he looked at you and smiled, "are you mad at me", he giggled and stumbles on you, you help him up then he let go he went back to beer pong, "I think you had enough partying let's go", you grab Josh's hand and he yanks it, "noooo!!!!", he stared getting loud and luckily the music was to loud for anyone to actually notice, "youuussss-is-a-tooowwwaa sopppperrr", you roll your eyes, "I'm not to sober your just to drunk", josh falls on you he passed out and you fell to the floor trying to hold him up but he's to tall you struggled he was laying/drooling on your chest like a baby with his mouth open you put your arms around his shoulders and pull him up on you, you are on your knees you see Anthony pass by and you yell his name but he didn't hear you jaden passed by after and saw you struggling, "ooooo he's fucked, let me help you", Jaden put josh over his shoulders, "wait a minute your strong", jaden laughs at your sarcasm jaden brought him up to his room and you thank him, "uh, yeah no problem do you need anything are you good", you nod your head, "no, I'm good thanks", Jaden smiled then walks out you look at josh passed out on the bed you grab a mirror and put it in front of his mouth just to make sure he was breathing and even alive, "thank god your alive", you kiss Josh's lips and take off his shoes and pull the blanket over him and smile pulling his hair out of his face a little bit and stay with him quietly, "crap chase", you call chase to ask if he's okay but he didn't answer,     you look at josh and walk out of his room after putting in his pin lock so nobody would bother him, you go to Bryce's room hoping he's done, "are you decent", you open the door, Bryce giggles, "of course I am", you shake your head, "you have locks on the door for a reason", Bryce gets up from bed with just his boxers, "obviously you aren't ready but can i get your car keys to see chase", Bryce face dropped, "bro what happened with him", you sigh and sit on his bed, "he's in the hospital long story, please don't ask me now I'll tell you later, so can I", you smile at him hoping he will give in he does and give you his keys you thank him and check on josh one more time before you leave, "are you awake yet", you open the door then close the door not paying attention and turn around Seeing josh kissing nessa, you stand there in shock and walk out josh goes after you, "babe please wait I can explain", you turn still in shock, "I Um I have to go", you smile you didn't know why you did it was just to much going on that your emotions didn't match the situation josh grabs your face, "baby please", you pull away, "don't touch me josh", you go out to Bryces car you drive to the hospital in silence and ask to see chase they tell you to wait you wait and start to think a lot about everything from the dream to now, lots of time passed you didn't even realize the nurse telling you you could see chase you eventually hear her and go into chases room his head was bandaged a lot, "heyyy y/n", chase had a huge smile on his face, "you not mad or sad or anything", you sit down on the chair, "I'm fine I don't have a concussion they did a lot of tests tho and I got 2 stitches", you put
your head down, "I'm so sorry chase you shouldn't have to be roped into this drama with me", chase laughs, "I don't care it's juicy as fuck so tell me anymore drama", chase reached for your hand you grab his hand, "nothing just that Josh and nessa were making out right before my very eyes no biggie, I didn't even know she was here when the hell did she come back", chase looked sad for you, "you don't know she was here I seen her at the party", your eyes widen, "really?, damn what the hell shes really back I thought I was going crazy", you put your hand on your head and close your eyes and nod off and didn't even realize until your head falls down and you pop up, "oh shoot didn't realize I'm that tired", chase pats the bed and you shake your head, "come on the bed can fit both of us", he smiles at you and he lifts up the blanket you give in and get in the bed next to chase and he puts his arm around you and he was basically acting as a big spoon you see him arm on your waist and you put your hand on his hand resting your whole body and falling asleep.

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