Season 2 part 2

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It already been a couple of days sense kio and josh came to my house and I feel weak to my stomach that josh got back with nessa I mean I can't really get jealous i ended things and I told him to get back with nessa but I didn't mean it though........
"Are you like gonna go see them because L.A isn't that far from Arizona and plus it's our senior year and you already have enough credits so I'm still kind of confused why you still even go to school", I close my locker and look at Julisa, "it keeps me distracted you know from everything, should I call him?", julisa shook her head, "no don't call josh he's already with nessa and plus your friend Amani is an ass for even staying at sway and not coming back for her bestfriend", i sigh, "well your my best friend now, and you know what, I think I'll just go on the rest of my life and not worry about them anymore you know", me and julisa walked to our next class
And sat down doing our lessons when someone tapped me on the shoulder, "psssst", i turn around and it was a boy, "yes", he smiled and looks at me, "do you have a pencil or something I don't have anything", i nod and hand him a pencil he thanks me and I turn back around, "by the way I'm Sebastian........Andrade",

if you guys forget who Sebastian is its him.............

I don't know if you guys know him but he's a pretty popular tiktoker and he was on the introduction part 2 :)—————————————————————————

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I don't know if you guys know him but he's a pretty popular tiktoker and he was on the introduction part 2 :)

I turn and do a double take, "wait hey, your that tiktoker aren't you, I'm y/n", he smiles at me, "I know I've seen you tiktoke you are pretty relevant too", he laughs at me and I laugh at him, "yeah but I don't really want to be apart of social media right now kind of taking a break you could say", he nods listening to me, "yeah I know social media can tough I heard you were in sway house, you left?", I nod my head and Sebastian just looks at me, "here", he rips off a piece of paper from his work and writes something down and gives it to me, "just in case", the bell rings and he walks of giving me a little smile i open it and it was his number I assumed, "what's that", julisa takes the little paper, "Sebastians number", julisas mouth drops, "wait really, that guy is super hot he's literally the most hottest new guy I ever seen", I look at julisa confused, "he's new? huh", julisa shakes her head fast, "no you have to call him he can be a serious rebound for you", I laugh and get up from my seat, "if I want to date somebody I'm gonna date them I'm not gonna have rebounds that's messed up", me and julisa walk out and see Sebastian talking to a few other people we glance at each other and I look away then look back and see that's he's still looking at me and then he starts walking over, "hey, me and my friends are going out wanna come", i look at julisa then Sebastian, "were are you guys going", Sebastian bites his lip, "it's a surprise......nah just playing it's a party like liquor and stuff like that", before even thinking i say yes, "can my friend come too", he says yes and brings me and julisa over to his friend group, "okay guys this is y/n and her friend.....julisa right?", she nodded, "these guys are Ryan Clem, Luca Schaefer, Diego Martir, Lauren Kettering, max dressler, and Madi Monroe I don't know why I said there last names but whatever", I say hi and so doesn't julissa, "yeah we are about to go to this killer ass party boos everywhere", Ryan starts to get pumped we walk off with them and Sebastian and I walk next to eachother, "how are you invited to all the parties when you just got to this school, and so many friends it took me awhile to make some friends", i laugh and Sebastian shrugs, "comes with my good looks", i laugh at him and he puts his arm around you, "your really short, that's cute", i start to blush and he looks straight ahead, "we're is your next class I'll walk you", i tell him my next class and say bye to julisa and Sebastian stops in front of my class, "I'll pick you up, be ready", Sebastian walks off and winks at me then turned around and walks I smile and walk to class and see Lauren with Madi they wave at me to come sit next to them, "tiktokers all at one table what a joke", i look at the girl who said it and flipped her off she didn't say anything and sat down, "you guys do tiktok too", they nod and show me their pages, "wow y'all famous, famous", thay ask for my page and i show them, "wow 9 million that's a lot, you haven't posted in awhile have you", i shake my head and the late bell for class rings then my teacher walks in, "alright hi guys you already know the drill text books out and read pages 124 to 138, I believe that's were we left off, don't forget the packet due tomorrow, I handed them out 2 days ago", the teacher puts on her glasses and talks to a teacher outside Lauren and Madi try to get to know me better and ask questions until class was over, "yes finally school is over let's meet up with the guys",  i follow after Lauren and Madi and see julisa leaving her classroom, "I hate that class mrs, Robinson always got something to say about the way I dress she's like crop tops are too reveling and I'm like shut up, in my head obviously", i laugh and see Sebastian talking with Ryan he glances at me and i give him a small smile and walk over to him, "hey y/n I missed you", Sebastian hugs you and his body was like the same size and shape as josh so it felt like i was hugging josh, "it's only been 55 minutes", Sebastian bites his lip and looks me up and down, "so me and julisa are going back to my house to get changed are you picking us up seb", Sebastian smiles and nods i side hug him and walk away with julisa and go home, "mom we are going to a party is that okay", my mom says i can do whatever i want because I'm basically 18 in a few months, I walk upstairs with julisa, "do you like Sebastian?", I look threw my closet for something to wear, "no, I mean he's really cute but I don't like him my heart is still.....", julisa looks at me, "In love with josh", I nod slowly and pull out a dress changing the subject, "how about this", julisa looks at the dress I pull out and nods, "I mean it's just a high school party but I have a pretty good idea it's going to feel like I'm in a club", julisa walks into the bathroom and get dressed and i get dressed in my room I put on some mascara and some lip gloss not to much and julissa walks out taking a picture in the mirror I get a text from Sebastian saying he was outside I walk out my house and wave at him from the door locking the door when I went to his car his mouth dropped, "you are so hot", I blush at the compliment he puts his hand on my leg and squeezes it lightly when julisa came in he quickly took his hand off and started driving I didn't really mind cause it seemed like a friend squeeze when getting to the house the Party i could already see people outside drinking out of red solo cups i brace myself for a bunch of drunk people a half hour in i wasn't really into it and it was really hot so I went to the bathroom to freshen up because I was sweating the door opens and before I could say anything it was Sebastian, "oh-it's just you, hey", i turn back around and wipe the mascara spots under my eyes, "I've been looking all over for you julisa is a drunk mess I don't know what happened she was fine 2 minutes ago", i throw the paper towel away and walk downstairs and see julisa passed out on the couch, "come on girl let's go get up", I try to pull her up but she fell off the couch Sebastian helps me
Bring her to the car, "I'll take you guys home okay", i nod and he puts julisa in the back seat, "we are going to my house i don't want her mom to see her like this", Sebastian drives to my house and he pulls into the drive way, "that party was wack huh", I look at Sebastian and he nods trying not to laugh I laugh first which causes him to laugh we stop and Sebastian kisses me out of nowhere I pull back then look at him, "I—I can't, somebody else", his eyes widen at what he did, "I-I'm so sorry I didn't know", i put my hand on his hand, "no it's okay, we aren't together anymore but I still really love him and I miss him I seen him yesterday for the first time in three months.......I should go", I get out the car and open the back door and Sebastian helps me with julisa I unlock the door and we plop her on the couch, "thanks for taking me to the party even tho it was lame", Sebastian gives me a small smile and waists no time leaving I think he was embarrassed I cover julisa with a blanket and go to my room and go to my contact list and see joshs name that was still programmed babes that I didn't change I press his name and then hesitate to press the phone icon and then I close one of my eyes and press it hearing it ring after a few rings it hangs up it felt really bad to see it now I knew he moved on and I needed to also

(Back at sway house)

Josh was in his bathroom, "hey who was that", josh walks over and sees nessa holding his phone, "it was a scam likely number", she smiled and got up kissing josh, "I love you josh", josh looks at her and smiles nessa hugs him and she hands him back his phone nessa goes to the bathroom and josh goes to his recent call list and sees babes on his phone knowing that it was you who called him, "why would you lie", josh showed her his recents, "why is she still in your phone under babes that's what you used to call each other right?", josh shook his head, "why does it matter you have no right to be controlling who I can and can't talk too", josh threw his phone on the bed, "I can when it's your ex, why are you mad?, unless you still have feelings which you obviously do cause if you didn't you would delete her contact or even change her name to be respectful toward me", nessa pushes josh and walks away, "you know I love her nessa more than anything, I'm sorry okay I'm sorry but I don't love you I love y/n and she's the love of my life and I want her only her not you not anybody", josh didn't stutter or hesitate to say it, "do you want me to leave or something, last time I checked she said that she wanted to end this and you should be with me, and you listened to her what changed", nessa folded her arms, "I JUST TOLD YOU I DONT LOVE YOU I LOVE Y/N", nessa walked away slamming the door and joshs poster fell bryce walked in being nosy, "are you good bud what happened", josh grabbed his phone and saw your contact, "I really miss her man, I seen her yesterday but only for like 5 minutes, I want her back so bad Bryce but I know she doesn't want that", Bryce sat next to josh, "she called you?", josh showed Bryce your contact name, "I know that's not nessas contact name, josh I'm pretty sure she still wants you too cause why would she call", josh looks at his phone, "can i have a second", Bryce left josh alone, and josh called you....

(Back at home)
My phone starts to ring and I see babes and instantly answer, "josh?", I said fast, "Hey" Josh's voice was quiet I just started crying and couldn't control it, "josh I really, really miss you, I can't live without you I'm so sorry for what I did", josh was trying to call me down, "no shhh it's okay, I love you so much y/n I can't stop thinking about you I hate being with anyone else beside you I really want you back", I still kept crying, "I really need to see you right now but your in LA so I can't", you started crying harder, "no babes stop crying it's okay we'll see each other soon", i smile through the tears, "why did you hang up the first time when I called you?, were you mad?", i hoped for the best response, "it's wasn't me it's was nessa she hung up she knew it was you because I didn't change your contact name", i giggle, "really? Cause neither did I missed when you called me babes", i could hear joshs cute low laugh through the phone, hours passed by and me and josh were talking but on FaceTime I was so happy to see his face I was laying down and it was 3 am now, "babes?", josh seen that i was sleeping, "goodnight gorgeous", josh didn't hang up he fell asleep with you on FaceTime......

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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