Part 11

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Who did you go to Josh or Payton?



You ran to———JOSH!!
You seen him taking of the face mask faced down in the sink so he didn't know you were there, "josh", you tap him and he gets up quickly with some face mask left on his face; "I-it's not done yet you have to leave it on for 10 minutes", you tried laughing it off like what happened didn't just happen, "are you really joking about a face mask right now after your ex just told you he still loves you", josh grabbed some paper towels and wiped of the remainder of the face mask.
"No josh I- I didn't say that I love him back because I love you", josh shook his head walking away from you, "I just don't believe you I feel like your playing games with me", you got full blown mad, "IM PLAYING GAMES WITH YOU, you just fucking took my virginity I trusted you with that and for most girls that's personal and you think I'm playing games with you, me and Payton are not a thing you know that", you whispered the virginity part, "well then maybe that was a mistake taking your virginity maybe it should have been someone who actually loves you", you step back and cover your mouth trying not to cry, "your a dick", you walk out to go back to your room obviously josh didn't mean it he was just hurt, you slam the door shut and plop on your bed, Amani wasn't up so you have a good 5 minutes to cry your heart out and you did putting the pillow over your mouth so no one could here your low screams, you here the handle to the room shake and put your face under the blanket pretending to be asleep, "y/n are you awake, helloooo y/n", Amani nudged you but you just stayed still, "well if you are awake and messing with me I just wanted to say I'm kinda glad we are going home it sucks here I love our friends but I hate feeling like an outsider—thanks for the talk", you sit up cause you couldn't let Amani feel alone about this, "you feel like an outsider", Amani turns to face you, "oh gosh you actually heard me shit, and yes I do I feel like everyone here is so perfect and I'm not really involved with the others you know", you weak smile and sit next to Amani on her bed, "well we are going home tomorrow and it will feel like we never left and maybe we will come back......or not", Amani looked at you and can tell you were crying, "oh no what happened did you and josh break up", Amani wiped your tears, l don't know I hope not cause I'm so in love with him", you start to cry and Amani holds you and you cry on her and she rubbed your back, "I'm sorry I shouldn't cry", you get off Amani and go to your bed, "girl you think I care, when you cry I will always be here comforting you telling you everything is gonna be okay because it is, I love you and I will keep loving you till the day I die because I'm your best friend", you hear a random person say "me too" from the hallway and kio walked in, "oh my you are weird, get out", Amani shooed him away but he didn't leave, "y/n if josh is gonna be a little asshole then screw him you'll always have me—oh yeah and amani obviously", you wipe your nose with your sleeve, "oops—this is Josh's sweater I just wiped my runny nose on it", Amani and kio laughed at you, "that's what his sweater gets", you take it off and throw it across the room 20 minutes later you and Amani are in bed about to sleep and say your usual goodnight and I love yous to each other and you waited for Amani to go to sleep to go back and grab Josh's sweater and put it back on holding on to it before going to sleep

~(next morning)

You and Amani are walking down stairs with all your bags and everyone was downstairs to say bye
"I can't believe you guys are leaving it's been really fun and entertaining thanks to y/n but I'm really gonna miss you guys", Amani and mads hugged you guys then it turned into a group hug.
"Alright I think it's time to go, our ubers here damn my phones on one", Amani looked at you to ask how much battery you had and you said 1 too because you were to sad to charge your phone you looked at the stairs hoping to see josh come down to say bye but he didn't, "alright bye guys love you be safe", Bryce waved and you waited as long as you could, "y/n come on before he leaves", you hug kio one last time and go with Amani and get into the car and drive to the airport, "he didn't come down", Amani looked at you confused, "josh he didn't say bye", your eyes filled and you looked out the window hoping to see him running towards the car like some movie, "I'm so sorry y/n, maybe he over slept", you shake your head, "no he wouldn't do that I told him when I was leaving he knew he set an alarm and everything he didn't over sleep", you made a hard p sound after you said sleep and you started getting angry.

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