Part 1 - None of your business

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Hey people! So this is my first story I'm posting on here, it's my own little version of the ending to Season 3 Episode 8. I hope you enjoy it and I will be posting one part each day until it's finished ;)

"She was pretty... really pretty. And you... you were happy" El said, tears trickling down her cheeks. She placed a hand on Billy's face, in an attempt to bring back the real him. Billy Hargrove.
Billy sighed and closed his eyes, trying to rid himself of the tears... the memories... the trauma. "That's none of your business.." he mumbled. "You let me see what happened.. I understand. Your mothe-" "I said that's none of your damn business!" Billy shouted as he slapped El across the face.

The sharp sound echoed through the mall. Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, Robin, Lucas and Will immediately ran to the stairs. There was no plan, they just knew they needed to help Eleven.

Billy stood up, glancing back and forth between El and the mind flayer. The fleshy beast towered over them like a statue. El got up on her feet, weakly standing on one leg with her cheek glowing red. She cautiously backed away, limping helplessly. "You can't  stop it. You can't stop us" Billy ran to Eleven and hit her, knocking her unconscious.

The mind flayer stepped forward, casting a large shadow over El. Billy stood infront of it all, hiding El as he heard footsteps coming quickly.

The others crowded around Billy, angrily glaring at him. Nancy opened her mouth to speak when they heard more footsteps. Mike and Max pushed their way through the crowd to see what was happening. Mike immediately realised El wasn't there and yelled at Billy "where is she!?!?"
Billy didn't answer.
"I said where is she!?!?" Mike repeated as he tried to punch Billy. Billy caught his fist and pushed it down. "No. You've interfered too many times. You have wasted our time. You will pa-"
"Pay?!? What are you gonna do? Kill us?" Mike laughed.
"I'm not gonna kill you" ,Billy answered, "She is"

That's part one! Like I said, I'll update this story every day (unless I am unable to for whatever reason). I'd appreciate any support you can give, like sharing this story with friends or leaving some tips in the comments ;)

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