Part 3 - Falling

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'Max?' Mike said, confused. Why would she save me? He thought. Mike wondered why his enemy would help him, they never got along and always argued so why would she ever want him to be safe? If anything, he thought, Max would want him to die. "Are you okay?" She replied. Mike nodded 'you saved me..' . "Yeah, no shit!" Max joked.
'Why?' He asked. "Well I wasn't gonna just watch you die now was I?" 'Well, thanks I guess. What are we gonna do?'. "Do about wha-" Max was lifted into the air. 'MAX!!' Lucas screamed. She was too shocked and terrified to respond. 'El!' Mike shouted 'El stop!'

Billy stood to one side of El, arms crossed. He nodded to her as she glanced over her shoulder at him. 'El!? What are you doing?!' Mike asked 'stop, please!' She ignored him, raising Max higher and higher. Eleven had blood streaming out of her nose and ears, she was getting weaker and weaker as she lifted Max. Her powers couldn't handle it. Max was now so high in the air that she was nearing the shattered roof of the mall, and El began to lose her strength.. and her balance. She stumbled and struggled to keep Max held up in the air. 'El.. bring her down...' Mike mumbled, eyes fixed on Max as she suddenly dropped a few inches.. El swayed back and forth as she weakly held herself up. She couldn't take it anymore. Her body couldn't take it anymore.

'El.. just... lower Max and we can help y-'
Eleven collapsed to the floor. Lucas ran faster than he ever had before "Max I'm coming!!" Everything went slow for Max.. like the world started playing in slow motion. She watched as the floor grew closer and closer. Max was breathless, it felt like the ground was reaching up towards her, grabbing her and pulling her down. Everything around her was a blur. She could see people running, panicking, hysterical cries arose as those beneath her were brought back to reality. The shock had winded them, but what was happening sunk in, and the weight of the situation buried them. Nobody knew what to do. Who to turn to. How to help. Even Billy, despite being flayed, was speechless. He stared as the one who was supposed to be his sibling.. or half sibling... his best friend, you could say, was falling... helpless.. and it was.. his fault. Was it? Conflicting thoughts in his mind screamed over eachother, like birds in a cage, competing for space.

Happy Friday to anyone who sees this, or if it isn't friday, have a great day anyways! So far so good, I haven't missed any days yet which is an achievement in itself. I will probably start making the parts a bit longer becuase I just realised that the story is longer than I thought. Anyways I hope you are enjoying this story so far and feel fre e to comment tips, theories, or just anything you want

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