Part 8 - No control

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'Don't worry about that, El. We're just glad you're back' "...Back?" She was confused. What did he mean? Back? Back from where? 'You really don't know what happ- El?' "Yes?" A box began to levitate, slowly rising into the air. "That- That's not me..." 'Then why is your nose bleeding?' El wiped her nose and stared at the blood on her finger with wide eyes. She looked up at Mike, terrified. El turned to face the box, it was just floating in the air. "I-" 'Still sure that wasn't you?' She walked over to the box, narrowing her eyes in disbelief. "I just... don't understand. I'm not doing this... but.. I am?" She pushed the box back down onto the ground. Her friends looked at eachother, concerned. Worried that it wasn't over. That he was still there. Present. Suddenly more boxes zipped into the air. They began dropping randomly, crashing to the floor. A box flew up above Mike. El caught it as it was an inch above him. No one moved. They were all in shock of what was happening. She could use her powers and control them. But so could the mind flayer. She kept catching more and more boxes with her powers as they continuously rose and dropped in what seemed like a never ending cycle. Then they just stopped. Out of nowhere. El stood there, out of breath with blood streaming out of her nose.

Crash. The mind flayer smashed through the walls, part of it making its way into Scoops Ahoy. 'Shit!' Nancy pointed her gun towards the creature. No bullets. 'Mike we've gotta go!' They all looked at El who was backing into a corner, her hands over her ears. There were voices inside ehr head, screaming at her. They weren't hers. "Stop!" She yelled at herself 'El? What's going on?' El ignored him. Mike put his hand on her shoulder 'El are you ok?' She pushed his hand off "No." 'You're not ok? What's happening?' "No. Get away from me" 'El-' "I don't want to hurt you Mike. Go. Go somewhere safe. Before.. before I hurt you again." Mike stepped closer to her, taken aback by what she said 'But El, You're back. You're you' "No" 'What do you mean?' "Mike. Leave." 'What? No way. I'm not leaving you here.' "Mike please go. I'll be fine." Mike had tears in his eyes again. He was trying to hide it. He couldn't let her go. 'El. I'm not going anywhere. Come on, we need to go, it found us.' El stepped towards Mike and he smiled, thinking he'd won. She put her hand on his cheek and kissed him, tears running down her face. "Leave"

Eleven walked out of the room, towards the monster, leaving Mike speechless. "Mike we need to go!" Nancy held the back door open for him. "We'll have to go through here. Come on!" Mike ignored her "Mike!" He turned to face her, staring at his sister with wide, watery eyes. "Mike?... what's wrong?" No response "Is- is she coming?" 'She said no. But I'm not leaving her.' El looked over her shoulder "Mike go, please!" 'El... no' "It's ok, Mike. It's ok" Mike could hear Nancy calling him. He slowly backed away. 'I love you... El' "I love you too Mike" She smiled weakly and turned back around to face the monster. Mike walked to Nancy, looking down at the floor, leaving a trail of tears. He got to the corridor and his friends walked up to him "Mike? Where's-" Nancy shook her head. "Come on... we should go" She put her arm around Mike, reassuring her brother that El would be ok. They walked together down the corridor, distancing themselves from the rest of the group who were infront.

So, good morning (or afternoon or evening or night). I'd say we're about half way through the story so far! I can't believe it's already been 8 days since i started but do you know what else i can't believe? The fact that this story has almost 70 reads altogether so far! How!?!? Thank you all so so so so so much!
     -Your forever confused writer             who does not deserve this

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