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Outfits above Or two the right

- No song for chapter—none connect with chapter -

"These don't fit !" , Selena exclaimed while trying to find new ballet shoes. Her and Bea were at the fitting and clothing room of the studio at the shoes section trying to find Selena a new pair of ballet shoes because the current ones soles are teared.

" Why can't you just get the soles fixed sh.t ", Bea said annoyed because she hated how the clothes room smelled— Fresh clothing and sweat— but she didn't want to leave her bestfriend alone in here. " Just help me find a 7 and a half ", Selena replied annoyed because she hated the smell as well .

Bea groaned, " There right in your face !"
" What where ?! " , Selena immediately started scrambling through the box with sizes on the till a box her on the head,
" Ow ! ".  She said rubbing her head hearing Bea laugh in the background , "Yay you found them let's go !" , Bea said laughing while walking out.

" Stupid shoes—" , Selena said as she grabbed the box then started walking out , " –Beatrice I hate you !" She said stepping into the cool hallway seeing Bea waiting for her, looking to her right, " Shh—" Bea said putting her finger over Selena's mouth.

" –There's a newbie I think ", Sel tried to turn her head but Bea grabbed my face , " He's coming act normal"

' How the f.uck am I suppose to act normal when your squishing my face with your hand and your fingers over my mouth ' , Selena thought .

Just as she finished that thought the , who we will call "newbie" because so far no one got his name , was walking by . As he did he gave Bea and Selena and quick glance chuckling .

From what Selena could see he had brunette beiber hair , darkish light brown eyes , and a very nice butt.

" He was hot ", Bea exclaimed once he was out of view, removing her hand and finger from Selena's face. " Ohh should I tell Sammy your looking at other guys?"

She glared at Selena as they started walking back to the dance room , she laughed in response .

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