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[ unedited - sorry for long wait , I've been really busy ]

>> Selena

The music started, it played Ride by Somo. Of course. The song started playing and I watched them as they did a quick warm up before the first line of the song started and [ the dance is in the media section ] . While they were doing the dance I could feel someone staring at me, I followed the feel of the eyes and it landed on Cameron. The line where he said "whisper dirty secrets while I'm pulling on your hair" Cameron winked at me and I could feel the heat run through my cheeks.

I switched my gaze to Matt, who was pretty focused on the dance hitting every note but I couldn't quite focus because I could still feel the stare so I just decided to pick at my nails. I don't know why he's making me nervous we literally just met 5 minutes ago.

The song was paused almost 2 minutes in and everyone in the room clapped, including me. "Impressive, and  nice song choice" Lina said smiling at the now heavy breathing boys, they let out a chuckle in repsonse " I picked it out" Cameron said, still looking at me with the those light brown yet not hazel, just light brown eyes-- what am I even talking about oh my go-

I was interupted from my thoughts by Jack shaking me 

"What?" I said

"Lina's asked you what you'd thought about the dance" Jack said furrowing his brows.

"Oh, sorry, um it was pretty impressive I guess, Matt did a really good job actually. Others lacked focus" I said looking directly at Cameron.

"I thought he did a great job" Brenda, this annoying girl who wants everyone to like her said batting her eyes at Cameron. " Thanks . . ?" " Selena, Selena Bridget " . 

"Sorry I forgot" Matt said smilling, I returned the gesture. Cameron just kept looking at me.

The bell indacating that class was over rang, " Alright class is over, practice the dances at home and I'll see you next saturday" Lina said as kids started picking up they're bags.

"Oh and Selena tomorrow can you teach the new boys the dances tomorrow, just so they can catch up?" Lina said, as other students exited. " Uh , yeah sure no problem" " Okay just let them know it'll you be you teaching them" She said pointing to them, as she was about to walk out.

"Okay" I said while walking towards them , as I was Matt was facing me so he saw me coming and smiled at me. " Hey" He said , getting Cameron's attention to turn around.

" Oh Hello there" He said smirking at me, can I just say how hot he looked doing it. These thoughts are ruining me ew.

" Um Lina said thought I will be the one teaching you guys the dance tomorrow " I said tapping my phone on the palm of my hand .

"Or did you ask so you could spend more time with Matty" Matt said smiling a cheeky smile, I laughed and said "And maybe I did" . "Or she wants to teach me how to focus" Cameron said grabbing his stuff and leaving the room rather angry if I would say.

I furrowed my brows confused because like 2 minutes ago he was winking and smirking at me. Matt must have caught on to my confused moment because he said "Don't worry about him, dancing mean's a lot to him and he's rarely ever corrected on it"

"Oh, well um, want me to walk you out?" I said

" Sure"


kind of a suckish chapter 



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