It's You Again, K

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You made me feel alive for the longest time. I've never felt that way, and you, and out of the blue, gave me the touch of happiness that I've longed so much. You brought back to me something that I've lost in a long time ago.
Lately there is this tune that reminds me of you and I play it over and over again. Even when the song is over, the melody lingers on. Stuck in my head. Like the voice of the heart, it warms me in a way I can't describe.
I lost my mind the time we talked for the very first time. That was something I couldn't describe to myself as well. I don't care what people think. They can talk funny about it and let leave it at that.
Maybe I'm not the right one for you and you don't feel the same as I do. Love is tricky, you know.
Anyway this is not a love letter. So I won't tell you about how you actually did make the butterflies in my tummy dance when you looked at me. And how you made my heart stop beating for few seconds when you sang my favorite tune. No, no, I won't tell you stuff like that. But anyway, you actually did do those stuffs to me but I won't tell you anyway.
And you made me happy, really, really, happy when we sang together. When we had that travel far together, go for some disscuss and that stupid movies that you don't like. I was happy. That was the best moment of my life. But I don't want to sound cheesy, tough. You can skip this part.
Hey, I really hope we can meet again some sunny day. But I really can't do anything about it. I do wish you are fine there and everything is warm and great.
Thank you for letting me feel excited about life, about things that matters. And give me those reasons to be happy. I do wish we had one more chance to talk about life. About yours, or even mine.
I wish you all the good luck in the world for anything exciting that awaits you. Thank you for that brief moment you gave me and the aftertaste. It was sweet and nice.

P.S Remember, I'm staying here in this planet. Just give me a ring whenever you feel like needing company. I'll be there. And please be sure to take a good care of your things.

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