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"The streets are extended gutters and all the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout, 'Save us!'

...And I'll whisper, 'No.'"

-Rorschach, Watchmen.

{Neo Uzushiogakure no Sato, Land of Whirlpools. Twenty years after the Sasuke Recovery Mission, eight years after the founding of the Land of Whirlpools}

Early morning in Neo Uzushiogakure no Sato. Aside from the Neo Uzu Anbu which patrolled the streets and the surrounding countryside, it was very peaceful.

The previous night, however, it was a different story.

It was the anniversary of Neo Uzu's reformation under its current daimyo. The son of its late previous daimyo, Uzu kunoichi Kushina Uzumaki and her husband, the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, he had resurrected Neo Uzu and led it to greatness under his rule. In the last eight years, Neo Uzushiogakure is now one of the strongest ninja villages, having surpassed Konohagakure no Sato.

Inside the daimyo's residence - which was a walled mansion, rather than a castle, typical for the ruler of the country, the daimyo in question was in bed with his wife. Clothes were strewn across the floor leading to their bedroom. The room was locked with a seal, which kept any noise made inside out and to keep anyone wanting to come in outside. The man was six feet tall, with a wiry muscular frame. Tousled blonde hair framed his face, of which the fox-like whiskers which had identified him as a jinchuuriki were gone. Despite being thirty-two, he still held a boyish charm to his face. He was also awake as his body was pressed firmly into his wife's backside.

One calloused hand ran along her curves, causing her to giggle in her sleep. Twenty years of marriage, and he knew the contours and curves of her five-foot-seven frame like the back of his hand. Like him, she was also thirty-two, with him being two months older than she was, buxom with long dark blue hair ending halfway down her back. Usually she would let it fall down her back, but when she wasn't training the medic-ninjas or sparring, she kept it tied in a braid.

She giggled again. This time, she was awake. "Pervert," she whispered.

"That's Daimyo Pervert to you," was the reply.

She turned around in the bed so that she was facing him. His azure eyes stared back into those pupil-less lavender eyes, which identified her as a Hyuga and wielder of the Byakugan.

Hinata Uzumaki stuck her tongue out at her husband. "Well, Daimyo Pervert, you plan on getting out of bed? Our kids are still here, you know."

Naruto Uzumaki smiled back at his wife. "We got about an extra hour. You can set your clock for Boruto and Himawari."

He moved in for a kiss, but ended up kissing air, as Hinata had escaped his grasp. She was standing on her feet, naked as the day she was born. With natural beauty like hers, men would gladly go to war for her hand. Fortunately for Naruto, she was all his.

At least she was considerate enough not to pull a Substitution Jutsu like last time.

"Just one kiss, Princess?" he mockingly begged.

Her response was throwing a pair of pants at him before slipping on a crimson robe over her naked form. Naruto saw that it was the same robe he picked up for her from his last visit to the Land of Waves when he was checking up on the Neo Uzu garrison stationed there. Hinata loved that robe.

"The last time you said that, we ended up destroying the dining room table," she replied as Naruto got out of bed, now naked from the waist up.

Naruto smiled at the memory. It was three weeks ago. Himawari and Boruto were out on an assignment. Kumi was roaming the grounds in her fox form and they were all alone. "In my defense, you started it," he replied, as it was Hinata who instigated the whole thing.

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