Part Two

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"I have taught you many ways to kill a mortal, Kratos. Flesh that burns...bones that break. But to break a man's spirit, is to truly destroy him!"

-Ares, God of War

The Ino-Shika-Cho Trio and Tenten had left Konoha that very night. They could have taken a boat down the river to the coast, but Ame and Iwa ninjas patrolled the river, forcing them to take the long way around, which meant heading north, traveling incognito so as to not to attract any unwanted attention from unfriendly ninjas. Their destination was a small port in the Land of Lightning, where a ship would take them to Kimon.

The trip had taken them two weeks just to arrive at Kimon. This was Ino and Tenten's second time returning to Kimon, as was Tenten's, since they were part of the original recon team along with Neji Hyuga, Sakura Haruno, Mitsumo Kobayashi, Might Guy, Rock Lee, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, Asuma Sarutobi, Jiraiya, and Sasuke Uchiha when the Land of Whirlpools decided to host a Taijutsu Tournament. It was also there where the big revelation was revealed that the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki is the Daimyo of the Land of Whirlpools and the former Hyuga heiresses are his wife and sister-in-law.

Of course, Sasuke went through the tournament, and like an idiot, called out the Whirlpool Daimyo, declaring his superiority over him as an Uchiha Elite, despite having lost to him twice. Normally, Naruto would remain on the sidelines watching, but decided an objective lesson in humility and humiliation was in order. Sasuke did not stand a chance as Naruto decimated the Uchiha Prince, proving to all those present that he was the wrong Daimyo to piss off. Things went from bad to worse when Sasuke activated his Curse Seal in violation of the rules.

Naruto's response? A chakra-powered open palm strike to the chest, which sent him through the tournament walls and a lifetime ban of showing up in the Land of Whirlpools, on the pain of death. Sasuke's ego has once again given Konoha yet another black eye.

Aside from the confrontation with Naruto and Sasuke, Neji confronted Hinata once again, while she was with her younger sister and her children. Ino and Asuma had witnessed the resulting beat down from the sidelines. Apparently, Neji had forgotten that attacking the wife and sister-in-law of a daimyo was a very bad thing...espescially after threatening harm to her children and younger sister.

Ino shook her head. The beating she had given Neji the first time around when they were missing-ninjas was bad enough, but Hell hath no fury like a woman protecting her children and younger sister. Neji was sent to the Neo Uzu jails for the duration of the tournament for the attempted assault on the Whirlpool Daimyo's wife, sister-in-law and her children, after Hinata had beaten him within an inch of his life. Like Sasuke, he too got nailed with a lifetime ban for his attack on the Whirlpool Daimyo's wife and sister-in-law.

And now, they were on a boat, heading for Kimon, where the Uzumaki family would be staying for the duration of the Neo Uzu Taijutsu Tournament, with the fate of Konoha hanging in the balance.

Tenten was out on deck. That's where Ino found her, hunched over the railing, puking her guts out. Ever since the start of the mission, Tenten had been puking every morning. Ino thought she had sea sickness, but it was Shikamaru who figured it out.

"You really are a troublesome teammate," Shikamaru had said. "Tenten is pregnant. Neji is the father."

Ignoring the catcalls from the other male ninjas, Ino approached Tenten. "You okay?"

"Not really," Tenten replied.

Ino bit her lip. "How long?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Shikamaru figured it out. How long have you been pregnant?"

"Three weeks ago. I only found out after the hospital blew up. I think Neji knew."

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