Chapter 2

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Her hands were shaky. Every part of her was trembling

Like her own mother, Kjerstin had major "stage fright". Having been raised in the north away from the kingdom most of her childhood, she could never quite get used to standing before crowds of people. But she had to pull herself together. It was her coronation day. And even though she had control over her powers and the chance of a mishap was incredibly slim, it didn't mean she still feared the thought of it.

She looked at herself in the mirror in her coronation gown. A lovely mix of traditional and elemental, courtesy of her mother. Floor-length ballgown style, in a color similar to the dress her grandmother, Iduna wore. Soft lavender bodice made of ice that cascaded down her dress. And overall-type straps, heavily embroidered, held down by a belt, and ruffled cap sleeves.

The door clicked open, and Elsa stepped inside, followed by Anna and Honeymaren. The three women looked at the new soon-to-be-queen, all with pride in their eyes. Elsa looked over at her sister and friend and silently gestured for them to give her and her daughter a moment alone.

Once the door closed, Elsa invited Kjerstin to sit down with her.

"Darling, is everything alright? You look tense?" Elsa looked down at her daughter's hands, which rested in hers. She could feel them shaking. She didn't need her daughter to say anything, she already knew what was going through her mind. Having already gone through the same thing over 20 years ago, Elsa was very familiar with these feelings.

"It's okay to be nervous sweetheart. Lord knows I was beyond nervous for mine." Kjerstin looked up at the Snow Queen, blue eyes wide and anxious. But she trusted her mother.

"Your father, myself, your aunt... your whole family knows you've always been meant to become a great queen. Greater than myself. You've been taught all you need to know, especially with your powers." Kjerstin cracked a small smile.

"And putting familial tension aside, Robert will make a wonderful king consort for you. Your aunt Anna has told me all the wonderful things he's done to help you and the kingdom. Your father and I trust him, just as we trust you." Her pounding heart began to calm down, she breathed steadily and once again faced the mirror.

"I can do this." She whispered to herself. Elsa stood behind her daughter, placing a delicate hand on her shoulder, giving her firstborn a kiss on the forehead.

"Yes, you can."

Elsa left her daughter for her final preparations and let Anna and Honeymaren in to help her.

"Where are you going?" Anna asked.

"Going to find Conrad, make sure he's emotionally ready." With a chuckle, Elsa headed down the castle corridors to the library, where sure enough, she found her husband staring out the window, a perfect view of the fjord, where they could watch ships coming and going.

She hugged him from behind, breaking him from his stare.

Conrad's heart felt heavy. Giving away their daughter, as the queen of Arendelle.

Emotions ran strong in the kingdom, he could feel it. His sister, Signe, and brother, Oliver, who'd been crowned king of their home kingdom, Hjallanes, were visiting for the coronation, both equally excited to see their niece all grown up.

Their brother, Tobias, had chosen to renounce his royal title as a prince of Hjallanes years ago. Understandably, their family was shocked at such a decision. But Tobias felt a calling elsewhere. He had an adventurous spirit and wanted to chase the unknown. He left for England and took a ship west. To the United States. They periodically got letters from him, updates about his life out there and whatnot.

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