Chapter 16

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Once the treaty ceremony ended, Kjerstin ordered the guards to open the gates to the villagers, who were eagerly awaiting in the village square for the gates to open. Holding Robert's hand, they made it to the front of the castle with their family and friends, ready to greet their subjects to allow the memorial for her father to begin.

Once the crowd accumulated to her satisfaction, Kjerstin spoke up, formally addressing her people for the first time as their queen.

"Hello, Arendellians. A few weeks ago we faced one of the biggest tragedies in Arendelle's history. But the threat to my family is now gone, and Arendelle is safe once more, thanks in part to the efforts of my family and their courage. But now, it's a time for celebration and Memoriam, in honor of my father, Conrad." Villagers applauded her, chanting "long live the queen!".

The days following Conrad's death, the blacksmiths were tasked with creating a little plaque of Memoriam for Conrad. A bronze bust made in his image would be added later on. As Kjerstin walked outside the courtyard, making her way to the center of town, she marveled at the decorations set up.

Throughout the kingdom, flowers that came from his native Denmark were used to decorate everywhere. Banners with his silhouette hung from light poles, banisters, the edges of roofs. In a discussion from the blacksmiths and stonemasons with Elsa, Kjerstin, and Jonis, twin busts of Conrad would be placed at the entrance of the bridge leading up to the castle with plaques attached.

Then, there was a procession leading to the royal burial site, carrying Conrad's body in his coffin in a wagon. In the initial days following Conrad's death, they interred his body below the castle, Kjerstin agreed to preserve her father's body for that time until they could officially organize the royal funeral. And now that she had her whole family with her, they could properly bury her father.

Ironically, Conrad was only the 2nd royal family member to be actually buried at the site. King Runeard's body was never able to be retrieved from the enchanted forest due to the following conflict and then the mist settling over the forest. Runeard's wife, Rita, was the first to be officially buried, who died when Agnarr was only a child. Agnarr and Iduna's bodies were never recovered either from the shipwreck. So Conrad was the second royal family member to be officially buried and have a ceremony in his honor.

With a sad smile, Elsa pressed a kiss to her fingers, passing it to Conrad's burial stone.

"I still love you... with all I have in me..." She whispered. As the ceremony commenced, the snow queen and her children felt a gust of wind swirl around them. Gale was here. They felt more comfortable knowing that one of the spirits of the forest was with them.

"Hey, Gale." Elsa greeted. She wondered where Conrad's spirit was now, since she knew he was at peace. Ahtohallen perhaps? Or was he bound to his homeland, his home kingdom? Wherever he was, she knew, either way, he found his way to see his parents once again. She knew that her own soul was at peace, too. She thought back to the past few weeks, the absolute chaos that encompassed her, her family, and her kingdom.

She could only pray that would be the end of it, and her daughter would have the most peaceful rule out of all the queens that have ruled Arendelle. By this time now, across the Atlantic, America was overwhelmed with Civil War, and unfortunately, Conrad lived to see his home country invaded by the Prussian Army. Elsa remembered his anger about it, but also knowing he couldn't do anything about it at the time.

They were heading into tumultuous times, but Elsa knew her daughter would do just fine, she was taught well, and proven herself worthy of being queen.

Before heading back into the forest with Jonis and Soleil, Olaf stopped Elsa.

"Elsa?" She knelt down to his level.

"Yes Olaf?"

"We're still a family, right?" Elsa gave him a motherly expression, bringing him in for a hug.

"Of course, Olaf. Even if someone isn't here anymore, physically, you just have to remind yourself that they're still here." She put her hand over his 'heart'.

"You mean that?"

"Every word. Conrad is still with you, just like I am, and everyone in our family. That's what real love is. Those you love and who love you back, are always with you and in your heart. You never forget them."

"Well, I'm never going to forget Conrad!" Elsa chuckled.

"I know you won't. And promise me something."


"Watch out for Anna and Kjerstin for me, and their families."

"You know I will. I'll miss you and Jonis." Elsa hugged him again, the snowman returning it even tighter.

"I don't doubt that." With a gentle kiss to the nose, Elsa got Jonis and Soleil together for their trip back north. Soleil and Jonis could feel within them that the spirits were happy again, everything was returning back to balance.

"Race Bruni and me when we get back?" The young fire wielder jousted. Jonis laughed.

"You know it." Ice Nokk sprung up from the water, ready for Elsa. The water spirit nuzzled its rider, giving a watery neigh.

"Let's go," Elsa said, mounting her steed and snapping the ice and frost reins. She quickly turned behind her to see Anna, Kjerstin, Kristoff, Robert, Iduna, Lisbet and Daniel were waving goodbye. Elsa saw the sad, but relieved face of her daughter slowly disappear as they rode ahead.

"You got this, my little snow." 

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