Chapter 17

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Months after heading back to the forest, everything was running smoothly. Elsa continued her role as protector of the forest, with Jonis and Soleil tagging along while furthering their relationship, which thrilled Elsa, seeing her son so happy.

Ryder and Honeymaren provided their assistance when needed. And Elsa had received her first letter from her daughter, telling her how everything was going in running Arendelle as queen. She couldn't be prouder. She also received updates from Anna as well, who would tell her about her daily affairs now that she wasn't queen anymore. About how Elsa's nieces and nephew were doing. It was all quite wonderful.

Elsa, Jonis, Soleil, Ryder, and Honeymaren would make their return for the holidays. Which had been a tradition since Elsa, Conrad, and Kjerstin moved north.

Maintaining these traditions is what kept her relationship with her sister and family so strong, even after all these years. And this was going to be the first Christmas without Conrad. The thought still stung Elsa's heart. She still always missed him, but she knew he would want her to always keep celebrating. Celebrate his memory. And she would keep doing exactly that.

Christmas eventually came, and Elsa couldn't help but feel a bit lonely seeing her family with their spouses and significant others. Kjerstin had said that she and Robert had a special announcement, when Elsa asked Anna if she knew, Anna shook her head, as oblivious to the whole thing as everyone else was.

The pair stood in front of the tree, holding a box together in their arms. Off to the side, next to Kristoff, Iduna was absolutely bouncing, desperately trying to hide it, but not doing the greatest job. Once they got everyone's attention, Kjerstin spoke up.

"We've been so excited to share this news with you all." She opened the lid of the box, revealing a pristine white gown. Elsa recognized that as her own royal christening gown, which then Kjerstin wore, and Jonis. It had been cleaned and minor repairs made to the lace applique.

"Kjerstin... that's..."

"A royal christening gown."

"You're pregnant," Elsa said. Her eyes widened and she very nearly dropped her champagne flute. Kjerstin's eyes welled up with tears, nodding rapidly, placing a hand to her stomach, revealing the slight bump she had. With no hesitation, Elsa brought her daughter in for a hug, Kjerstin holding the christening gown against her chest.

"How far along?"

"Only a couple of months." Jonis was understandably surprised but otherwise ecstatic about becoming an uncle. Soleil gushed with Kjerstin, Iduna, and Lisbet about the coming royal heir. To which the men frankly didn't understand. But Anna and Elsa assured them it was fine.

Later that evening, Kjerstin requested some personal time with her mother in the portrait room, a place Elsa hadn't often visited as a child, or even during her short reign as queen. Elsa found her daughter sitting underneath the painting of Joan of Arc, one of Anna's favorites.

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" She asked, taking a seat next to her.

"When you and dad were expecting me... were you scared?" The queen replied immediately. Elsa had not expected her daughter to ask that, but she sensed why.

"Your father wasn't as much, I was. You were an unexpected surprise. But, I overcame that worry rather quickly. We were overjoyed to have you enter our lives."She pushed back a strand of loose hair behind Kjerstin's ear.

"You didn't know what to expect with my powers either."

"Neither yours nor your brother's. It was a toss-up and we had to be prepared for whatever level of strength you had. We luckily had Grand Pabbie to provide some insight. But in the end was just you. Are you worried about the baby's chances of having powers?" Kjerstin nodded hesitantly.

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