Chapter 5

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Anna was desperately trying to organize the chaos that erupted the night before. Between consoling her niece and nephew, to helping her brother and sister in law, and comforting the kingdom, trying to provide good news, she was overwhelmed. Nothing like this had ever happened to Arendelle before.

Yes, of course, members of the royal family sort of tended to die unexpectedly/suddenly, but it was never at the hands of someone else.

Anna made her way down to the dungeon where Hans was kept. She'd had enough. For over 20 years she'd desperately wanted to confront this monster herself, and give him a piece of her mind she never could, even at 18.

She stopped in front of his cell door, rubbing her arm at the musky chill in the air. The sound of dripping water echoed down the dimly lit stone hallways, faintly heard the squeaking of rats and mice met the queen's ears. But the biggest rat of them all merely stood facing the tiny window that looked out at the fjord. The sound of the buzzing docks could be heard, along with the sound of water lapping against the rocks outside.

"Hans." Anna finally said.

"Have you come to kill me?" He replied coldly. Anna narrowed her eyes at him.

"I'm doing what should have been done a long time ago. You have destroyed the happiness my family has built up. And for what? To try and kill my niece? To make a final point?" Anna did her best to not let her temper show through her calm words. Hans briefly turned his head to her.

"I was the 13th heir to the throne. I had no chance of ever getting what I wanted. I resorted to everything I could. Accusing my brother of treason, to working with a spy, to trying to kill you and Elsa. Nothing seemed to work."

"And why now?" Hans was suddenly at the cell door, face to face with an unwavering queen. Her teal eyes stared him down.

"My son was about to get everything I ever desired. A throne. Power. A kingdom for myself. It would've given me the greatest benefit. Through him, I could've taken all of you down, my son included." Anna was in disbelief of what she was hearing. She didn't want to imagine all the crimes and atrocities Hans could have committed if he was given the chance. And she couldn't even imagine how Robert was feeling either.

Robert had been so excited to finally see his father happy for him. Having a life of his own, happily in love. It was all so real, nothing like how his father was.

Anna clenched her teeth and bit her tongue, literally, to keep herself from absolutely losing her shit on him. Now what could she do? In times like these, she'd ask Elsa or Conrad what to do. But... neither were here. She couldn't even fathom what Elsa might be feeling or going through right now.

She made her way back into the castle. Racking her brain trying to think of what to do next. Someone called to her. It was Soleil.

"Soleil? What is it?" The young fire wielder pointed out the window, noting the drastic change in weather.

"Your majesty, look!" Anna's eyes widened, the clouds were heavy and gray, and there was a light dusting of snow on the ground. Anna's breath caught in her throat and she ran outside.

"Elsa..." Anna whispered. Oh no... Elsa's grief became too strong to hold back anymore. She heard the front doors open and Kjerstin and Jonis, following by Kristoff and Robert came outside.

Kjerstin and Jonis knew what was happening.

"We need to find mom..." Jonis said. Kjerstin shook her head though...

"... We need to bury dad..." Jonis blinked.

"We are not burying dad without mom! She needs to be there!"

"But we can't chase her down when she's causing a storm again! It's not safe, for either of us!"

"Sis, I know that it was traumatizing for you, but it was traumatizing for me as well! And we can't just bury dad without mom here! It wouldn't be right!"

"Both of you!" Kristoff exclaimed, "we need to remain calm and get things in order." Kristoff looked to his wife, hoping she'd know what to say. Anna sighed, placing a hand on her nephew's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Jonis. But your sister is right... we need to bury your father... if the weather is going to be as severe as I think it will, the ground will become too cold for us to do anything..." Jonis attempted to argue but gave up quickly.

Soleil came to Jonis's side to comfort him, running a hand through his hair. She whispered something to him, and he shrugged in response, and she led him inside.

Anna instructed everyone to head inside and scrambled to write a stay home order for the citizens for their safety. She knew she had to get her sister, and she hated to have told her nephew it was best to bury Conrad before the worst of the storm hit, but she knew it was the only thing they could do.

Meanwhile, Kai's mother began to notice her son was looking strange. For an 8-year-old boy, his scruffy dark blonde hair was turning white. He was shivering and always seemed to hold his chest. She ordered him to get into bed.

She recalled what had happened to princess Anna years and years ago according to her cousin. Struck in the heart, heart turned into ice. Frozen solid. Hair turned white, skin ice cold... She looked at her son, a whole strand of his hair had turned pure white. She attempted to feel his forehead, only to feel ice cold instead.

It couldn't be... She thought.

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