part 3

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Chapter 3

The next day went really slow, the boring lessons and then detention with Malfoy.

'maybe you shouldn't go to the detention' James said with a worried look on his face as we were sitting in the common room

'don't worry I've been putting up with Malfoy for 6 years I can handle him' I replied

'oh yeah you can handle him' James said sarcastically while chuckling

'why the sarcasm' I asked

' well if you call arguing every time you see Malfoy as handling him then yes you can handle him' James said with a big smirk on his face

I gave him a light punch on the arm. As he was chuckling he came close and started kissing me. I put my arm around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair. There was something about James that made me feel safe and secure. No matter how down I was every time I saw James I felt much better. I loved him. He was gorgeous, he has long light brown hair, olive green eyes, tan skin and his smile was the cutest ( that's what made me fall for him I the first place )

We both broke apart from the kiss and had big smiles on our faces then it hit me, I realized he time and jumped up

' oh my god I'm late' I said

I gave James a big kiss and ran off. James said something from behind but I didn't hear since I was in such a rush.


I reached the potions classroom where we were told the detention was. As I walked in Malfoy was already sitting there. He turned around gave me a sly smirk and turned back round.

The professor was sitting at the desk with an unpleased look on her face.

'you are 10 minutes late miss Puckett' she stated

' I'm sorry it won't happen again' I apologized

'take a seat, now today you both will both be writing lines, I assume you know how that works' the professor said

Me and Malfoy both nodded

' I can't sit here with you because I have a meeting so I'm trusting you both alone, I will be back in 1 hour and I want the lines completed, no talking and especially no fighting' she gave us both a harsh stare and left

There was a silence for a while and then Malfoy started talking

'let me guess why you were late' he started

I tried to ignore him but he carried on

' you were probably sucking your mud-blood boyfriends face off' he chuckled

'MALFOY' I shouted and gave him a look of warning

He just smirked and got on with his lines

We were both done within 10 minutes and sat there in silence for a while and then he started again

' I don't know what it is with these teachers and there detentions, I've got better things to do'

'detentions make people like YOU learn their lesson' I replied putting the emphasis on you

'but obviously the detention won't discipline you because your Malfoy the git' I said giving him a smug grin

But for once he didn't say anything back. I just called Draco Malfoy a git and he didn't say anything insulting back. He just smiled.

For a moment I just stared at him looking confused.

'what, what are you looking' he asked going red in the face

'did you just not insult me back' I asked

'like i said I have better things to do' he replied

'but wait, you didn't insult me, why?' I asked again sounding a bit let down

'can you just drop it' he asked

'no, why didn't you insult me back' I demanded to know

' you want to know why I didn't insult you then listen, I never say anything to you, your the one that keeps arguing with me' he said

'earth to Malfoy, were in detention because we insulted each other so how can you say you never say anything to me' I cleared

' no were in detention because I insulted your boyfriend, I've got nothing against you, you just keep arguing with me for your boyfriend, I have a problem with YOUR James not you. Your just always in the middle'

I was quiet for a while a bit shocked actually. Did Malfoy say he didn't have a problem with me, for some reason it felt good to hear that he didn't hate me.

The rest of the time went by in silence. The professor came back and sent us off. I didn't say a word to Malfoy and just left towards my common room however all the way back I kept thinking...

This isn't the Malfoy I know

In the middle (Draco malfoy love story) - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now