In the middle (Draco malfoy love story) part 17

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Chapter 17

At first I thought I should leave him alone and stay away like he told me to but then I decided to see what was wrong and approached him.

He looked terrified, the colour had gone from his face, I could see the fear in his eyes, he was shaking.

I touched his shoulder from behind and he turned to face me in shock.

'Draco, what's happened?' I asked worried

'I'm...I'm scared' he stuttered

'scared of what?' I asked

'I'm scared he repeated after a slight silence

I pulled him into a hug to calm him down as he cried. He was so cold, shaking and scared.

What was wrong with him?

'come on Draco, let me take you to your common room' I said

He nodded and we made our way out of the toilets to the slytherin common room.

All the way there Draco stayed silent.

Once we got to the portrait of the slytherin common room I turned around to leave when Draco grabbed my hand.

'don't go, please' he said hopelessly

'what make you think I'm going to stay with you, when I needed you, you didn't stay' I stated and then left Draco alone, hurt and scared


I was laying on my bed thinking about Draco

I didn't want to leave him but I wanted him to feel the pain I felt when he left me alone and hopeless. All I wanted to do was hold Draco and take away his fears but i want him to realize that he needs me like i need him.

While I was thinking about him I fell asleep and later was awoken by a tapping on my window.

It was an owl. I opened the window to let it in and he gave me a letter and left.

I opened the letter.


I know your angry at me for what I said the other day but I've had enough.

You wanted an answer didn't you, well I'll give you your answer.

Meet me outside the slytherin common room and I'll explain everything.


I didn't know whether to go or not but i decided to go since I wanted to know whats been going on with him.

I changed out of my robes and into my own clothes and made my way down to the slithering common room trying not to be seen.

When I reached Draco was sitting on the floor in front of the portrait waiting for me.

'well, explain' I said

Draco startled seeing me, he got up and invited me in the common room.

'come on, let's go inside' he said

'I can't, I'm a gryfindoor' I explained

'don't worry, no one will know, i'm the only one here' he said while gesturing towards the room

I gave in and made my way inside. It was really uncomfortable, it was the complete opposite to the gryfindoor common room.

'sit down' he said from behind

I sat down and he sat beside me looking towards the ground and not to me. He was completely silent.

'well' I said

He looked towards me and started

'katelyn, there is a lot you do not know about me and thats why I've been acting like such an idiot, but I'm going to explain everything to you. I don't know where to start'

'why don't you start from that night' I said through clenched teeth

He took a deep breath and began.

'that was the best night of my life, you don't know how long I wanted to do that to you, you mean a lot to me'

'then why did you leave that night' I asked almost crying thinking about it

'I needed you and you left me all alone'

He was quiet

'my arm started to burn' he whispered

I didn't understand what he was saying

'I don't understand' I said

He put out his arm and slowly lifted up his sleeve

I was shocked, I didn't know how to react. There in front of me was the Mark, the dark, black Mark of a death-eater.

'your...your a...'

'death-eater' he finished my sentence

I sat there in shock staring at the Mark on his arm. Now it all started making sense, why he left, why he told me to stay away, why he hurt me. It all made sense.

'I told you to stay away because I didn't want to hurt you but the truth is... I love you, I always have, I just couldn't risk you getting caught up in all this' he explained

I sat there listening to Draco, he had just said he loved me and all I was doing was staring at the Mark silently.

'is this why you were crying' I asked after a while

'yes, I just got scared, I don't know who I am anymore' he whispered

I was still staring at the mark. He noticed me constantly staring at it and said

'i guess you probably want to leave now and have nothing to do with me' he said while looking away from me

I turned his head to face me, I cupped his face with my hand and kissed him slowly. As we broke apart I said

'I don't care that your a death-eater, yeah it is a bit of a shock but your still the Draco Malfoy i fell in love with'

He smiled at me and we came closer

'i love you' he whispered

I put my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist.

'I love you too' I replied and we pressed our lips together

The kiss was slow and gentle. Draco started to run his tongue along my lip asking for permission, I slightly opened my mouth to let him in. As mine and Draco's tongues wrestled we slowly laid down on the sofa and he was right on top of me. His hand made it's way up my thigh to my waist and back down again.

There was much more intensity now, he was kissing and holding me like there was no tomorrow. He made his way down to my neck, kissing, licking, biting. I started to unbutton his shirt and pulled him closer. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he slid his hand under my top making me shiver.

He picked me up and carried me up the stairs as we were kissing. Things were going really fast but unlike with James I wanted this.

I was going to sleep with Draco.

In the middle (Draco malfoy love story) - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now