Chapter 7 - Lance, Part 2

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/* Hope it's easier to read if I break it up like this.  TW: Bullying, death */

Lance's POV

Lance reclines on the couch in the lounge, resting his back, sore from being tied to a tree.

"Lonce, we need to talk," Allura says from her spot on the couch. Everyone is quiet and watching him closely. Lance sits up fully, turning his attention to Allura.

"Yes, Princess?" he asks. What does she need to talk about? Can't be about her having feelings for him, could it? Probably not because the others are still here, but the thought allows a stubborn sense of hope to invade his mind.

"Well, we've been thinking. You are a good pilot and everything, but maybe you aren't the best suited to be a paladin. I'm sorry that's so harsh, but I can't let Voltron fail because of a weak link," Allura says clearly. Her voice doesn't falter once, but Lance's heart is ripping itself to pieces. Lance knows he isn't the best paladin. He's not a leader, Shiro is. He's not smart like Pidge, or as good a pilot as Keith, but he thought the others saw some value in him.

Lance was wrong. They all knew he wasn't good enough, but he'd been too dumb to try to fix himself.

"I'm sorry, guys. I didn't mean to let you down. I can change! I'll fix myself however you need to make this right. Please don't kick me out," Lance sobs, tears tracking down his face. He's breathing heavily, like he'd been running a marathon.

"We've already found a replacement, Lance. We won't kick you out of the castle, but you won't be a paladin. You'll be helping Coran with whatever he needs," Keith speaks up. A replacement? Who?

"James can replace you. He was another top pilot from the Garrison. He shows great leadership skills and intelligence, so we figured he would be better. He's flying over as we speak," Shiro says.

"James?" Lance whimpers. This nightmare just gets worse and worse. The guy who bullied him in school is now going to replace him. Lance can do nothing as fat tears drop down his face.

"We're sorry, Lance, but this is the logical thing to do. Hunk and I've been running simulations based on you and James's abilities, and the numbers don't lie. He's better than you," Pidge says. Hunk stays silent, but nods solemnly in agreement. Lance's best friend is betraying him too.

Lance can take no more and runs away. He sprints through the castle to the observatory. There he can breathe and see the stars around. Maybe he'll even catch sight of Earth. God, he wants Mama and Pop-Pop so badly.

He can see Earth. In fact, Earth is close enough to make out the blue and green of water and land. Lance smiles, maybe one of the others will shuttle him home. He's sad he's been replaced, but at least he can go home.

As Lance watches, imagining the reunion with his family, Galra cruisers pass by towards Earth.

"No!" he screams as he takes in the terrifying sight of Earth being invaded. He has to do something. He dashes to his Lion, trying to get in. But Blue won't open up. She won't even drop her shield for him.

"Blue, open up! Earth is in danger. I need to help," Lance yells. But Blue isn't budging. Lance pulls his helmet on, calling the paladins on the comms, but they aren't responding. No one hears him as he cries for help to save Earth.

Behind Blue, Lance has a clear view of his home planet. He can only observe as Earth is torn apart by lasers.

"Noooooo!!" he shouts himself hoarse. Where are the others? Why aren't they helping? Why won't Blue let him in? Lance collapses in himself, hugging his knees as he sees his dead family in his inner eye. Mama still and unmoving. Marco, Luis, Pop-Pop, Veronica, Rachel, Nadia, Silvio. Everyone. Dead.

Strong arms wrap around his body as he sobs.

"Lance! It's all fake. You're safe. Earth is safe. Your family is still alive, and you are still the red paladin," a husky voice reaches Lance through the downward spiral of his thoughts. He opens his tear-encrusted eyes to see Keith's worried eyes gazing at him. All of his friends are there, holding him close and letting him feel their love. The words connect in his brain now, it is fake. This stupid place was just messing with his fears; his real friends care about him.

"We love you, Lance. We could never replace you!" Hunk sobs. The others agree vehemently.

"You are smart, and funny, and a great leader. You keep us all together," Shiro says.

"I would be lost without you, Lance. You keep me from spiraling out of control. Anyways, how can you think we would ever replace you with freaking James? Everyone knows we aren't friends," Keith adds. Lance's heart squeezes gratefully at his friends.

"Thanks, you guys. You all mean everything to me. You're my space family," Lance whimpers.

"You're our space family, too," Allura says. Lance smiles and winks at her. She thinks of him as her family, huh. Keith rolls his eyes.

"Loverboy Lance is back, everyone," Keith jokes, nudging Lance's shoulder gently. "Hey, I'm really sorry for being a dick to you in school."

Lance huffs out a chuckle at Keith's sad face. "It's ok. I was always kinda upset that you were constantly one-upping me, but never even bothered to notice me."

"Well, for the record, I definitely noticed you at the Garrison. I just pretended not to because I thought you hated me. It's not a great excuse, but that was why," Keith says. Lance brightens at the confession. He feels better knowing that Mullet had known he existed at school.

"And don't listen to whatever James told you back then. None of us really like him, and he's wrong. You're not an annoying loser or a wimp," Hunk says, ever the sweetie. Lance grins at him.

"Ehh. You're a bit annoying, but not as much as James seemed to insinuate," Pidge quips. Lance rolls his eyes mockingly at the little gremlin, who smirks at him.

"Seriously, though. We could never replace you. You're too important. And don't worry, we will save Earth and all of the other planets from the Galra. Your family will stay safe," Shiro says, putting Lance's worries to rest.

Good job, Lance. You are becoming a great leader. Please go to the next room for the next challenge, a deep voice reverberates through the cavern. Lance and his friends, no his family, walk through the door.

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