Chapter 23 - Talking

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Lance's POV

Lance snaps out of his shock and races after Keith. Mullet boy is no match for Lance's long legs, and Lance tackles him to the ground. Keith grunts and tries to shove Lance off him, but the Cuban isn't going to let go that easily.

"Stop, Keith!" Lance manages as the others catch up to the brawling pair. Keith is squirming like a fish out of water, nearly twisting out of Lance's grip.

"Lance, let me go!" he screams, squirming harder. Lance rolls on top of the boy, pinning him to the ground. Keith stops when he realizes he's lost. The boy sniffles, and Lance can feel his thundering heart against his chest.

The boy begins sobbing, clutching tightly to Lance's jacket. Lance sits up, cradling Keith in his arms and rocking them back and forth. The others sit around them, giving them space.

Eventually, Keith's sobs stop, and he's just holding onto Lance like a lifeline. Lance runs his hands up and down Keith's back trying to sooth the sniffling boy.

Keith looks up at him from where he'd buried his head in Lance's chest.

"Thank you," he mutters, his voice huskier than normal.

"Any time," Lance says, squeezing Keith's shoulders.

Lance watches in amusement as Keith looks around and notices the others staring at them. Keith groans and buried his face back in Lance's chest, and Lance can see the cherry-red tips of Keith's ears peeking under his soft black hair.

"Wanna go back to the lounge?" Lance asks quietly. Keith nods, and gets up, his face still red. He keeps his eyes on the ground. Everyone wraps Keith in a hug, and Lance grabs onto the boy's glove-covered hand as they make their way back to the lounge.

When everyone is settled on the couches, all eyes turn towards Keith. The drawings and the shopping bags still rest on the floor of the lounge. The boy is staring at the ground, his hand tucked gently in Lance's. Lance caresses Keith's hand with his thumb.

Everyone waits patiently for Keith to speak. Mullet sighs loud and long before picking his eyes up and looking at everyone.

"Look, guys, it's not that I don't trust you, but I just don't want to talk about my past," he finally admits.

"Because you don't want us to pity you?" Shiro asks.

"Or have it change how we think about you?" Lance adds. Keith shudders slightly.

"Yeah," he whispers, returning his eyes to the ground.

"Keith, we care about you. We won't lose sight of the real you. We know who you are, and we value you. Please just talk to us," Allura says. Keith stares her in the eyes, and he seems to find something there because he starts talking.

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