Chapter 15 - The Battle

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/* Sorry this part is a bit underwhelming.  I'm literal trash at writing fighting sequences, well at writing in general, but you know what I mean.  Thanks for sticking with the story so far! */

Allura's POV

The paladins fly back to the main city. Allura has really gotten a hang of piloting Blue. They land as close to the green bell tower as they can, and greet the crowd that gathers excitedly around them. The Bahirians cheer loudly when they see the paladins exit their Lions, and even louder when they notice the orb clutched in Keith's arms.

"Welcome back, Paladins," Rillou booms. His voice is much smaller compared to the Entity's. Anger flares up in Allura as she watches the smug man continue his charade.

"Stop. We need to know the truth. Did you sell us out to the Galra?" Allura demands. Rillou gapes dumbfoundedly at her. The crowd gasps audibly, and all eyes turn to their leader.

"I-I, umm, no. No! I did not sell you out to the Galra. How could you think that?" Rillou replies, chuckling nervously.

"Well, the Entity says you are planning to give us and the Pearl to the Galra," Lance bites back, defending Allura's point. The crowd is completely silent, soaking in every word the Paladin's say. Rillou looks at his people, then drops his shoulders in defeat.

"You are correct. The Galra are on their way as we speak. I want my people to be safe, and if I give them the Voltron Paladins and Lions, they will let us live in peace," Rillou declares.

"Zarkon does not care for you or your lives. He will take us and then destroy your planet; you cannot bargain with a heartless monster," Allura replies hotly. The crowd of Bahirians begin murmuring in agreement.

Rillou gazes at his people in despair. "I'm sorry; I just want them to be safe."

"We can protect you. We will defeat the Galra, and your people will be free to live in peace, like you want. We don't need anything but your support, if you'll join the Coalition," Keith announces, his back straight.

"What do we need to do?" Rillou asks, determination flaring in his eyes. The Bahirians chant in agreement; Allura can taste their excitement in the air. Before they can do anything else, Galra ships appear in the sky above them.

"They're here!" the crowd screams.

"Everyone, get to shelter. If you can, get underground!" Shiro yells, his voice carrying over the frightened people. They seem to listen, streaming back to their homes. The paladins sprint into their Lions.

There is only one Galran cruiser sitting in space. Rillou probably told the Galra that the paladins are distracted in the mountain, so they must not be expecting a fight, which gives the paladins the advantage.

Allura steers Blue around the hundreds of Galra fighters swarming around the solitary cruiser. She destroys the fighters with her lasers and jaw blade. She sees the others fighting a little way away, leaving carnage in their wake.

"Everyone, we need to form Voltron!" Keith screams through the comms. Allura pilots Blue into position, and soon enough, her Lion transforms into the leg of Voltron. Yup, she's a leg!

"Form sword!" Keith yells. A sword forms in Voltron's hand, leading from the Red Lion. Voltron charges through the fray, destroying the tiny fighters in its way.

The giant robot swings its sword through the belly of the cruiser, tearing the vessel in half. After that, there is not much left to do but clean up the last few active fighters, which is easy enough.

The Lions break apart, and land back on the surface near the city. Rillou and the other Bahirians come out to cheer them yet again.

"Thank you so much, paladins! We will gladly join the Voltron Coalition!" Rillou exclaims brightly. The crowd screams in agreement.

"Thank you, Rillou," Shiro says, content to let the past drop.

"You can keep the orb, as a thank you and an apology for my behavior," Rillou says. The paladins smile and take his offer generously. Not long after, the paladins are piling back into their Lions and heading back to the castle.

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