Chapter 24 - Love and Honesty

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/* This gets fluffy, and my heart was soaring as I wrote this.  Please let me know if you felt the same way! */

Lance's POV

Keith roots his gaze on the ground and tells them about his past. Everyone is silent, listening attentively. They say nothing even when Keith's voice breaks or tears start streaming down his face. It's no exaggeration to say that not a single face is dry. When he's finished, Keith looks up at everyone again and takes a deep breath.

Lance admires the boy's profile. The gentle slope of his nose, the pale soft-looking skin, the long, dark eyelashes. Bright indigo eyes glittering like a thousand stars. Keith's face turns towards him, and Lance's heart stops. Keith's eyes are bloodshot and swollen and his nose runny, but Lance still finds him breathtaking. In that moment, Lance realizes just how much he feels for his mulleted friend.

"Thank you for telling us," Shiro starts, knocking Lance out of his reverie. Lance blinks and turns his gaze away from Keith's face. "I'm so sorry for all of the things you had to deal with; it's not fair you had so much on your plate when you were that young. I wish I was a better brother."

"No! Shiro, you're the best brother. You always look out for me and take care of me, even when I push you away. I owe you so much, and I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you," Keith exclaims, staring at Shiro. They embrace; Shiro dwarfing the small stature of his younger brother.

"Keith, we need you here. We trust you and your judgement. You are the Black Paladin for a reason, and it's because you are a leader, our leader," Lance declares. Keith gazes at him, his face so open and honest, clinging to every word Lance says.

"We love you, Keith. We would never, ever leave you behind," Hunk promises, "I mean who would taste test my cooking?"

"Yeah, who would stand up for me when people make fun of me?" Pidge adds.

"Whose hair would I braid?" Allura says.

"Who would be the sword-fighter of the group?" Coran adds.

"Who would I argue with?" Lance teases.

"Who would protect us, if you aren't there?" Shiro finishes. By this point, fresh tears are marking Keith's face, but he beams at them. His smile is so happy that Lance can't breathe properly for a bit. Everyone gathers close for yet another group hug, but this time they are all laughing and crying in happiness.

"Thanks, you guys!" Keith exclaims.

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