Chapter 1:

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I am so shocked to see readers already!! I will try to update as much as possible!! Enjoy!
Dr.Quinzel POV/Your POV

I sighed as I walked down the depressing, dark grey corridor, murderers and thieves shouting out to me through the rust covered bars.
'Yo doc!! I didn't do shit doc!! Let me out hun!'
'You fucker there is nothing wrong with me, let me show you!!'

It was quiet amusing to say the least, however I wasn't going to say that out loud. Sure it would be fun to be kept in that room, fool the doctor that you are 'normal' and then betray them and torture them.

I find drowning above water is quite a nice one. But no Harley. You are not Harley Quinn...




At least not now. I needed a break from all the killing surprisingly, it gets quite boring after a while. The more I deprive my murdering instincts the more entertaining it will be to let loose. I am supposed to technically be behind those bars, but it is way more fun to see the scared and anxious faces whenever you say MY name.

I would kill this whole block, but I am seen as an amazing psychiatrist. Trusted with the worst villains and a member or the suicide squad. Yes, Yes I know being the doctor in the group doesn't technically mean that I have a grenade in my neck but with the way my patience is thinning they might wish they did.

But it isn't like anyone would suspect the incredibly innocent Harleen Quinzel an innocent young women who not only has 'no muscle strength', but is a psychiatrist.

I sighed audibly as I pressed my pass to the detector allowing me to pass through too a long corridor of offices.

"All so naïve.." I whispered under my breath, entering my office and sitting down at my desk.

I opened my desk and clicked a button which took off the supposed 'bottom' of the drawer revealing my outfit guns, knives, grenades and car keys. I sadly couldn't fit in my bat or giant hammer, otherwise that would have been in there.

I reached my hand in pulling out my trusted gold patterned gun and holding it close against my cheek the cold metal giving me a calm sensation. I heard very light footsteps, that stopped at which I could only assume to be the door into the patients.

I calmly placed my gun back down and sealed it back up and shutting the drawer. I had good speed and managed to do it in the time it took for the woman to open the door and start to walk down my corridor. I sighed lightly checking my reflection on the mirror which hung from the back of the door. I nodded to myself as I saw all my tattoos were hidden and my paper white skin wasn't poking though any blots in the foundation before busying myself with my computer.

Exactly a minute later there came a knock.

"Come in." I answered lightly, not slipping to show any annoyance or craziness as I smiled gently at the woman who walked in.

"Miss.Waller, what a surprise." I said whilst standing up and offering her my hand to shake which she did so...

'A firm grip...hmm...How exciting' I thought as I internally sniggered at the voice who had mentioned the statement.

Of course it wasn't a surprise at all, in fact I was waiting for this Amanda Waller to show up at my door since her conference with the government.

"Oh please, have a seat!!" I once again said smiling at her, which she seemed to return tis time.

'Yes that's it let your guard down, not that it would make any difference...' whispered another voice in my ear making my smile even wider. I was fairly happy that this little job was improving my luring tactics. You see studying psychology you have to learn to read a person and once you have done that you know exactly how to make them comfortable...Of course not many go that far, especially those who work in places like Arkham. They don't focus on the reason, just focus on what they see.

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