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Why were  your lips so dry?
Were they chapped from your constant outpour of lies?
What's it like to hear you speak the truth?
Do I have to take you to dinner and sit in a comfy booth?

All of that just to hear you say something true;
But you just wanted to talk about something different and new.
All I wanted to do was change the subject,
But only on your constant lies I could've reflected.

I wanted  to trust you,
But I didn't  think I should.
I had this gut feeling pulling me a way from you.
Was there anything true about you I even knew?
Was such and such even your real name?
I guess I'm once again the bad guy to blame.

After that "conversation" with you,
I looked in the mirror and my whole face was blue.
That's when I knew,
I was to anxious to even breathe around you.

REMEDIES 2: FURYWhere stories live. Discover now