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No matter how I tried.
I went looking for the flame,
And after the encounter I was never the same.
I was infatuated with the things you did,
Hurts to know I was the one thing you hid.
Despite this all,
For you I began to fall.

I was the rose that walked into your life,
I was so loving but there were my thorns.
You said they wouldn't get in the way,
You claimed I was the light that made your day.
You said these issues weren't a bother for you,
That my anxiety wouldn't drag you into a depressive stew.

I didn't think this would be something toxic,
My mind was broken and I thought I couldn't fix it.
I came into your life for a short time,
And being with you was way too hard.
For staying a second longer,
I left as a rose bitterly charred.
Being with you at first felt like a high,
But then came those unforgivable lies.
I gradually relinquished my thoughts to kill you,
But to be honest, the hatred continuously grew.

REMEDIES 2: FURYWhere stories live. Discover now