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In speaking the honest truth, and saying what it is.
We hope to confide in people,
and pray we don't end up on their hit list.
Trustworthiness isn't a thing anymore nowadays,
People come into your life and try to ruin you in many ways.
I'm sick of the backstabbing and lies,
Is it so bad to wish to see these evil people cry?

Once again,
truth be told,
Not everyone is on your team.
I should've known that from the start,
Knowing I carried such a fragile heart.
Its hard to tell the difference sometimes,
Because some people are so good at hiding their intentions.

Who do I trust,
Who do I rely on,
When I feel like every bit of hope is gone?
I blame myself for the pain I took,
I should've confided in myself, or bought a notebook.
I couldn't trust you,
And at the time, I really wish I knew.

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