1/3 Ghost Boy

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Ghost Boy


Danny and Sam went to the same all girls middle school and were both outcasts. Danny because he was already presenting male and Sam because she was forever learning and trying new things. At one point she decided to go vegan but st the time she didn't know the word so she called it "ultra-recyclo-vegetarianism". Danny never let her live it down.
Tucker knew Danny from both playing in the same park as kids. They would meet up pretty frequently and got on really well. This lead to the two boys being best friends.
It wasn't until just before they started Casper High that Danny's two best friends actually got to know each other. There were some hiccups along the way, namely Danny's partial death and Sam and Tucker's differing diet choices, but they made it work, eventually.

"Danny," Sam said, waving a hand at her friend excitedly. "Why are we in your room when your parents have built a ghost portal downstairs?"
"Because it doesn't work?" Tucker asked, lying upside down on Danny's bed playing minecraft on his phone.
"What Tucker said," Danny agreed as he spun his chair around a couple times. "Why are you so into ghosts anyway?"
"Because they're dead people," Sam pointed out as she kicked her legs sat on Danny's desk.
"Oh right, you're goth now," Danny remembered. She kicked him. "Ow."
"The technology involved to make a portal to another dimension not interest you Tucker?" Sam asked, raising an eyebrow at the techie. Tucker saved his game. "It must be immense."
"Alright you got me," Tucker said as he sat up and pulled his snapback on. "Show us the portal space boy."
Danny groaned but stood up from his chair and lead his friends down to the portal.
That was his first mistake.

His second was letting Sam convince him to go inside the defective portal.
His third was when he tripped and felt a click as he caught himself on the wall.

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