3/3 Ghost Boy

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Ghost Boy


Danny woke up on his bed. Sam and Tucker sat on either side of him. He yelped as soon as he saw them and then dropped through the bed. "Ow."

"I guess it wasn't a one time thing then," Tucker said, tugging the sleeves of his oversized sweatshirt over his hands.

Sam helped Danny get out from under his bed. Danny looked between his friends. "Am I dead?" He asked again. He put two fingers to his neck and gasped when he felt his fast pulse. "Okay not dead."

"I-" Sam hesitated, picking at the hem of her skirt. "I think you might be half. Half-ghost."


"Like not quite dead but also not entirely alive," Sam explained. "You might be something new."

"Like my life wasn't hard enough with just being trans," Danny complained as he flopped down on his bed. He didn't go straight through this time. "Now I'm half dead."

On top of all of his already existing problems, Danny also had to start high school in 3 days. Which was just rubbing it in really.

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