2/3 Ghost Boy

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Ghost Boy


When he stumbled out of the swirling green portal Sam nearly screamed. She hadn't expected anything to actually happen when her friend went in. This was uncomfortably close to necromancy and Sam wasn't happy about that. "Danny?" She asked hesitantly.

"Sam?" The ghost asked in return.

"Danny are you okay?" Tucker asked. Sam was frantically reaching for her friend but she couldn't. Her hand kept going through. God this was wrong. Danny couldn't be a ghost. That would mean he was dead.

"Tucker?" As Danny spoke this time he looked up and Sam felt her own heart stop. His eyes were a sickening bright green. They were glowing. His hair, which she had noticed before, was bright white. His jumpsuits colours had flipped. This was bad. "Am I dead?"

Danny caught sight of his own reflection then and yelled. He then passed out and a bright ring appeared around his waist. The ring split and traveled across his body. Where the light passed Danny changed. He became... human again. Sam was so relieved. Her friend wasn't dead. Or at least not completely?

There was the sound of pounding footsteps and then the door was thrown open. Jack and Maddie Fenton sprinted down the stairs. Jack skidded onto his knees next to Danny. Maddie grabbed Sam and Tucker and pulled them away from the still open portal. She slammed her hand down on the close button and the doors slammed shut. "What happened?" Maddie asked the shaking teenagers.

"Danny-" Sam started. She gulped.

Tucker dropped his eyes and saw a massive cable crossing the room. He nudged Sam who also looked. Sam hoped his idea was the same as hers. "He tripped on this and smacked his head on the-"

"Edge of the portal!" Tucker interrupted. "He was showing us it and he fell and somehow it just-" he stopped speaking and waved a hand at the now closed portal doors.

"It just needed a good knock?" Maddie asked, now staring at the portal.

"How's Danny?" Sam asked, looking at her friend.

Jack looked up at her. The worry must have been very clear on her face because Jack said "He's a little cold but he should be fine. I don't see any sign of a concussion."

Sam and Tucker looked at each other. Relief clear on both of their faces.

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