MultiTube Channel

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《Nightmare's Mansion》

It was 9:45pm, Nightmare and his gang was sitting in the living room watching The Princessbride.
Error walks in through a portal, all Dusty and dirty "hey guys" he takes his jacket off and plops onto the couch next to killer "Dude, where have you been all day?" Error sighs "I've been destroying Aus, running from ink, pranking fell. . .Ya know the usual" Killer smiles "Your life is pretty busy but interesting" Horror on the floor nudges error's leg "Ya know you should be a vlogger and make videos about your daily life" Cross who was sitting next to horror laughs "You have a pretty big name in the multiverse, you could get views fast" Killer chuckles "hehehe I'm sure murderers and creepy monsters would love watching your videos" Nightmare pauses the movie and buds in "Yeah, sci just recently made this system called MultiTube, where you can watch videos other monsters make from across the multiverse" Dust nods "Yeah I watched a couple of videos blueberry made, also Uf mosterkid, who keeps doing things that could get himself killed hehe" Error shrugs "I guess I could, It wouldn't hurt trying and I have a LOT of free time anyways, sooo why not" Everyone cheers and goes back to the movie

.  .  .

Nightmare turns to error "Go take a shower" "ok.."

《Few days later》

Error recently stole a camera from the surface world in UnderTale and is setting it up in the anti-void. Killer and Cross taught him how to use one, they also taught him how to edit and upload them too.

"Okay, set the camera on the stand and press the large button. . ." He clicks it and steps back "Hey, MultiTube Its Number1Glitch here and I'm starting a MultiTube channel, I'm putting disturbing and horrifying content on this page and if you don't like it...Go fuck yourself, Bah Bye~" He waves and turns the camera off. Error grabs the camera and sits on the floor. He plugs the cam to his new stolen laptop, he edit and crops the video, uploading it to the MultiStream. "I have a bad feeling about this. . Oh what the hell, I don't care" Suddenly millions apon millions of views and likes (not to mention dislikes) Popped onto the bottom of his screen. Error sat there shocked "wow...huh? What's This?" He scrolls down "comment section?" He reads the little messages at the bottom of his video ". . .the destroyer!? Pfft they're so shocked. . .Wtf is This? What does wtf mean? The destroyer is so cute! What!? No I'm not!!. . .huh monsters can write little messages about my videos, Cool" He closes his laptop and packs up his stuff. Error opens a portal and walks into the living room of nightmare's mansion. Killer runs up to him "Dude your first video is Amazing!" Cross lifts his phone "there are so many reaction videos to yours, look!" He plays the video "Hey GUYS, welcome back to EpicBruhSans- Now let me just hop on in this. A recent video just came up and it's BRUHing  everyone out, many say it's fake and some just can't believe it, watch this *plays video**Video ends* Bruuhh!! What!? The destroyer has a fricken Channel! I can't even comprehend!! Just- Bruh! Go check it out, monsters are saying it's fake! It's a lame cosplay and A lot of monsters are saying it's Real, bruh I honestly have no clue, I'll see you guys later, Bruh. . .OUT!!" *video ends* Cross likes the video "So when are you making your next video?" Error opens a screen portal "I have to go destroy some Aus right now-" Horror comes out of nowhere "Perfect! Go record and then publish when your done recording" he pushes error away. "Alright alright" Error opens a portal and leaves.


"Sup Number1Glitch here and I'm in underlust right now, I'm kinda confused why ink made this place, it's so weird and porny *shivers* eeugh! I just get goosebumps thinking about it" Error holds the camera with his strings from a tree, he pauses it and gets to work. . .*Few moments later* *recording* "The buildings on fire and it's coming down!! The buildings on fire and it's coming down!! Ahh!! *pauses* *recording* "Okay I'm alive aanndd Ink's here" *in a distance* "Why are you doing this!?" Error chuckles "I had a purpose!! But now it's for views!!" Ink throws red paint
"AH! Shit!" *dodges* "Missed!! Oh look dreams here. .Shit shit shit shit shit!!" *Arrows come flying in the background*  "Back!! back I say!!" *Explosion* Error runs with the camera "I deleted the code! Let's go!" He opens a portal *get wrapped in chains* he falls into the portal, closing it behind him. The camera hits the ground and lands in front of him "Oh hey, Thanks for watching I guess. . .Killer help me off the floor!!" Killer walks over and picks up the camera "Hiiii MultiTube!!" He turns off the camera

. .  .

Nightmare sitting on the couch watching the video "I guess you could say it was successful but it needs more pazzaz, let's make a cooking video next" error slouched on the couch "Cooking? Uh okay?"

《The Next day》

"Sup Number1Glitch here, Today I'm cooking...yes cooking, but I'm cooking with the king of darkness himself, Nightmare! You are correct, the star sans dream's Brother" Nightmare walks in out of nowhere with an apron on "Hey guys, I'm gonna give you night terrors! Haha" Error nudges him "Haha- ahem. So! Let's get started shall we? Today were gonna start with something simple, were gonna make a cake!" Error pulls a pan and some bowls from under the cabinet "Okay, let's see. We need eggs, butter, milk, and sugar." Nightmare grabs all of the ingredients with his tentacles "here ya go" error pours the cake mix into the bowl. Nightmare tries to grab an egg with his tentacle, but it cracks and spills onto the floor. Error face Palms "just use your hands!" He throws two WHOLE eggs into the mix. Error pours two gallons of milk into the bowl "how much did it say? Oh whatever, now add butter" Nightmare tries to grab the butter with his tentacle but dropped it on the floor "oops" error clutches his fist "oops? Oop!? . . .*calms down*. . " Error adds two WHOLE sticks of butter into the bowl "Okay now add sugar" nightmare pours a cup of sugar, error groans "that's way too little" *he pours the WHOLE bag of sugar, he stirs with an electric mixer, he grabs the bowl and heads to the oven, but slips on the egg and butter, dropping the mix on himself "You NOW WHAT!? Fuck this!!" He gets up but slips "pfft" nightmare chuckles. Error gets back up but slips again "Fuck!!" the gang stands there laughing. Nightmare reaches for error "hehehehe here let me help" Error grabs his hand. . Then they both slip "ah! My tentacles!" Error raises his hand "Thanks for watching. . ." *video ends*

Cross scrolls down "Wow way more than a million views, good job guys" Killer laughs "Guys listen to this comment "..The destroy doesn't even look like that he actually has red bloody teeth, and nightmare only has 2 tentacles, who ever made this needs to fix their cosplay outfits" everyone began laughing "Oh and listen to this one "the destroyer is soo kawaii!! I wish I could meet them they seem so nice!! Well, when they're not terrorizing everyone's Aus OwO" they all laughed but error was confused "kawaii?" Horror made an OwO face "Cute error, it means Cute" Error scoffed "I'm not cute! I'm evil and deadly!!" Everyone laughed again "Your so kawaii when your mad" Dust chuckled. Error huffed
.  .  .

"Ink, I've been worried about blue he's always on his phone and never looks away from it, I think he's addicted" dream worridly tells his friend, Ink laughs "He has a MultiTube channel, I'm sure he's just doing that. . .Hey Blue Come Here!!"
But no one came...
Ink and dream walk over to blue who was on the couch giggling every 5 seconds. "You Okay, bud?" Ink sits next to him, blue doesn't answer. Ink grabs the phone "Hey! Give it back!!" Blue tries to grab it. Ink holds him back "watcha watching? It better not be inappro -" ink stared at the phone in utter shock. Dream got even more nervous "w-what is it?" Ink turns to him ".  .  .error has a MultiTube channel!!"

I'm just pasting the first two parts from error oneshots to this book, don't mind me...if you've already read the first two, please just skip ahead. . .if you want to :)

Bah Bye!

Error the MultiTuber Where stories live. Discover now