Instantly Famous

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Dream grabs the phone "is that error playing the piano!?" Inks eyelights starred up "Yeah!! He's pretty bad but Yeah!!" Dream and ink hog blue's phone "This is so cute! Error makes vlogs, hey look were in this one!" Dream watches error's videos, ignoring blue in the background "Gimme my phone! You guys give it back!!"
Ink shot up "I'll get it!" He skipped to the door and opened it. . ."Hello?"
'Splash!' Error chucked a bowl of water at ink "pfft hahahahaha" ink sat there in shock. Error high fives killer who was holding the camera and portals away. Ink closes the door. Dream and blue watches more videos "Who was at the door?" Ink drys himself off with a towel "Error was..and I think. . .I think. .I was on his video!!" Ink sits down next to dream "What? He was recording?" Ink smiled "Yeah, he pranked me! He was laughing and smiling, I can't wait to see the video!" Dreams smiled too "Me too!!"

"I'm currently in a copy of DanceTale. My question is why do we need more than one? Did ink have a art block and just remade old ones or something? I'm quite confused but whatever-" Suddenly "Hey! Destroyer! I challenge you to a dance off!!"  Error stops walking and looks over to dance frisk "Of course you would. . .Why tho?" Frisk hops off the trunk she was standing on and walks up to error "Cause you look like you dance and I've seen your videos, you seem cool" Error smiles a little, he puts his cam on its stand "Okay, how does this work?" Frisk adjusts her tutu "well we take turns dancing, and who ever wins depends on the crowd" error nods "oka- the crowd?" Out of nowhere a crowd of monster circle around them. Error looks nervous "you never said there was a crowd!" Frisk shrugs, as music plays she leaps into the air doing a dramatic pose as she lands "now your turn!" Error awkwardly does the chacha..

Mtt who was strolling around, notices the circle of monsters and walks over..He quickly sets up his Dj booth, he grabs a microphone "Ohh!! That won't do, destroyer~ You need to hype it up a notch!" He plays hip-hop music. He asks a monster to grab error's camera and record for him. Error was so confused, but he was guessing the only way out of this was to win. Error does the worm and spins on his head, he slides on his side and poses dramatically. Mtt's Eyes sparkled "Yeah!! Nice! Ok frisk your turn!" He switches the music genre. Frisk twirls and does a backflip, landing in a splits position. The crowd cheers. Mtt switches up the music again. Error spins, he uses his strings and throws himself into the air, he twirls and lands in another dramatic pose. The crowd cheers louder. "This round you will dance...together and the crowd will decide who wins!!" Mtt plays an upbeat song. Error stands there not knowing how to dance with a person. Frisk spins and falls into error's arms, she hops up and pulls error over. Frisk pushes him back and they dance, they run forward. Frisk leaps over error as he slides under. She lands and runs towards error, he lifts her into the air, he uses strings to toss her up. Error slides and catches her. The crowd goes wild, Mtt's Eyes sparkled "That was truly amazing!! Now crowd who should win, error?" Error waves awkwardly. The crowd cheers loudly "Or frisk" frisk bows. The crowds cheer even louder, Mtt smiles "THE WINNER IS FRISK!!" Everyone cheers and claps, error turns to her and shakes her hand "You did good, I had fun" frisk hugs him "We should dance together sometime!" Error smiles "sure" frisk skips off, error walks over to mtt who had his camera "Thanks for watching number1glitch's video, don't forget to subscribe!! And my Insta is linked in the bio, tata~" he turns off the camera and hands it to error "Darling~ you have great skills and we should hang sometime" error chuckles nervously "Haha okay, thanks for recording for me, and being our dj" mtt laughs "No problem darling, I had fun tata~" error waves and leaves through a portal. Dust pats error's back as he walks over to the couch "Congratulations on 10 billion Subscribers, error" Nightmare hands error a cupcake, error posts his latest recording and takes the cupcake "Oh thanks guys. . .Ya know you should all be in my next vlog" Everyone agrees "We could just hang together for the whole day" Everyone agrees again.

《The Next day》

Killer grabs the camera as error and nightmare goes up and orders the food "Okay were at McGrilby's and were ordering our food, BUT I ordered a huge meal on error's name so he's getting two diffrent orders, one thats his own and one that has 245 burgers on his name pfft I ca- oh shit they're coming back.  .  .So I'm getting my frys?" Error nods "Yeah they'll be done in a minute he says, but it always takes more than a minu-" "Order For the destroyer!" Error sat there shocked "oh wow that was less than a minute" grilby came over with a huge platter of food "What the hell is that!? Who ordered that!?" Killer was holding it in "pfft they say it's yours" error got upset "This isn't our meal, I'm sorry" grilby handed error the receipt "There's no way in hell that I order this!!" "Pfft omg" Grilby writes something down "I'll put it on a tab for you" he dumps all 245 burgers on the table, killer clutches his nonexistent gut "pfft why did you order this many hehe burgers?" Error holds his rage "I didn't!!" Nightmare sighs "well clearly they heard you say something, cause this receipt has your name on it" Cross sitting next to killer knows exactly what he did, he couldn't hold it in anymore "PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH MAH GAWD HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" He banged on the table, laughing harder than killer was. Killer tries to calm him down, before he gets him caught  "*whispers* dude chill. . ." Error glares at cross "You.  .  . You did this. . .YOUR GONNA LITTERALY PAY FOR THIS!!" Cross jumps up and run out the door as error chased him. Killer got up with the camera and recorded the whole thing "pfft hahahahaha omg Cross your an idiot!" Horror shoves the burgers in his jacket "What happend?" Dust walks up next to killer "You did it didn't you?" Killer laughed "hahaha Yep!" Error drags cross to the counter and cross pays for the burgers "it wasn't even me!!" Error walks over to the table "Hey wait, I have an Idea, we could give these burgers to the Aus in poverty" Dust stands up "wait I've got a better idea.."

*moments later*
《Nightmare's Mansion》

"It's a burger fort!!" Error shakes his head "really? This, over helping others?" Horror bites the wall "I like this idea better" nightmare chuckles "but YOUR Au is in poverty" horror shrugs. Error grabs the camera "wow we really are the bad sanses" he turns it off.

Like I said before I'm just pasting from my one-shot book, don't mind me
I'll be posting the 3rd chapter soon :)

Bah bye

Error the MultiTuber Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora