Chapter 3

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No one POV

"Fine let's get this over with" Isen said while activating his power focusing on John not realizing that Seraphina was listening by the door.

"Your all making a big mistake trusting him" .Arlo said with a annoyed expression.

"State your name, age and place of origin" Isen asked .

" Don't you know my name Isen " John asked a little bit confused.

"I do but I need to hear you say something honest so I know how to sort out your lies". Isen replied

"Fair enough, John Doe ,16 from New Boston " John answered

"Ok first question ,how did you completely overpower us? ,how did you beat us? " Remi asked

"Firstly I didn't just overpower you , I simply outsmarted you guys ,adapted better to my situation and strategize better."

"How, go in detail" Remi asked

"Ok first I knew you would assume that I would use Cecile ability , so I didn't copy it even when she offered it to me,
2nd I noticed that you take recoil when you use your ability some minor burns on your skin so I need a way to minimize that so I went with Zeke's ability just for his defensive form to resist the recoil then I used Zeke's attack form as a faint to get you to use your ability and it works you were so rattled that you activated you ability instinctively than I was planning on fighting only using your ability . I might be brutal but I still prefer a fair fight." John explained

" How is it a fair fight when you have multiple abilities? " Blyke asked " I mean for my fight you had a strength enhancement ability along with mine and for Remi's fight you have Zeke's ,mine , Remi's and Isen's . So how the hell do you call that a fair fight "

"I only have one ability Blyke " John said "My ability Aura Manipulation allows me to shape my Aura however I see fit, I can increase any of the 5 stats any way I want, except for trick which is constantly at 10 and for the record I didn't use anyone ability for my fight with you I just increase my power stat,and that brings me to the next point , I knew you and Isen would try and interfere but I didn't know whether it would close range or long range , I guess long range because it suited your abilities but I didn't know where you were so I let you get a 3 shots of."

" Why just three shots? " Remi asked "You probably could have done it before the first shot was fired"

"Don't know about that but the first shot was taken to figure out the direction you were at. "John explained further "The second was the find out the elevation , the last shot was to figure out the distance than all I had to do was take you guy's out of the fight but your actions only pissed me of even more, I mean seriously I give you a 2 days to prepare and not to mention that you guys were already expecting an attack yet you guys assume that I would brute force my way blindly attacking everything with no plan , I'm honestly disappointed in you guys"

"You were disappointed in how we fought " Remi said disbelief

"Well yeah ,your plans were so obvious and predictable I'm surprised no one ever dethroned you before ,but then again no one really values actual strategies only raw physical power which is basically another reason high tiers are worthless" .

"You do realize that you are also a high tier right John" Arlo said with a smirk

"Never said I was excluded Arlo" John replied. " I might be a liar but I ain't a hypocrite"

Arlo looked at John in shock as he could not believe what he heard he then look at Isen to see if John was lying ,Isen shook his head no, John wasn't lying he really did feel that way about higher tiers and himself

"Anyway I didn't expect Arlo to jump in like that but then again Vultures go for wounded prey he probably thought the you guys with have been able too injure or tire me out enough so he could land the finishing blow".John said "Probably watched me wreck
Blyke and Isen saw me getting ready to finish of Remi then decided to interfere know he couldn't beat me in a 1v1 fight so he made it a 2v1 fight but that didn't work out so well now did it".

"That's not what happened!" Arlo exclaimed in anger "I stepped in because you were going to kill her ,you're a animal when it comes to fights I didn't expect you to go easy on her that's why I stepped in".

Isen then said something that shook the whole room
"Arlo,You're lying!"

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