Born again?

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I, Norma Marie-Ann Jones was never one to stress over things. My personal feelings were to not hinder the course of life, and so, when I was forced into the situation I was currently in, my only thought was 'how troublesome'. This exact situation was what led to me dying.

To give you an idea as to how I died, let's play a recap of my final hours before death.

4 hours before death

Everything was normal, I woke up at the same time as I did everyday, scrolled through my social media like every other day. Yet why did it feel like something was wrong, and this.. gnawing gut feeling refusing to go away? My eyebrows furrowed in concern, it felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack. Taking in a deep breath, I smacked my forehead, attempting to snap myself out of worrying so much.

Worrying this much was out of nature for me, I'll just let life take its course and enjoy it, as if it were my last. Plus, I had somewhere to be at this time, my troublesome mother had decided to have a girls day out with just the two of us.

"And then I said, oh Xavier that's not a camel! That's my wife!" Mother had been telling me of how her coworker 'Xavier' had the audacity to insult my other mother, comparing her looks to that of a camel. It was amusing to say the least, but my mind was elsewhere, the feeling was back and I couldn't stop myself from fidgeting this time.

"Hey, Are you okay Norma? You're turning pale, and sweating a lot"
"I'm perfectly fine, I'm just a bit hot" I lied, it was a bad lie too. It was snowing out, and the weather was bellow 10 degrees, the cafe we were in didn't provide much warmth, seeing as the heater was broken. To conclude, it was fairly chilly in the cafe.

"Hmmm.. alright sweetheart.. just let me know if anything's wrong" Catherine's concern was heart warming, but I was far too gone to even care. I wanted that damn feeling to go away.

"Someone help! Oh my gosh! He.. he just stabbed... he son! Oh my gosh!" Snapping my head to the sound, my face turned into that of a grimace, there was a pool of blood on the floor. Looking at the woman, I saw the terror in her eyes as she cradled her dying child. The kid looked to be about the age of 9, if just barely 10. Staring at the woman with a malicious smile was a young man, looking to be about the age of 22, quite close to my age actually. I was about 3 years his senior, and thankfully I went into the law enforcement field.

Carefully standing up, I tried to coax the young man into putting his knife down, silently signaling the people in the cafe to get out and call the police. My mother shot me a worried look but I dismissed her look and smiled softly, mouthing the words ' I love you' . Taking in a deep breath, I smiled at the man wearily.

"Hey.. no wait! I'm not gonna attack you.. let's talk yeah.. just put the knife down and it'll be okay.. we can just talk..."  he seemed to be out of it, like a druggie. The sound of the woman's sobs slowly died out as I heard a gunshot and the feeling of my body hitting the floor. I was in so much pain.... slowly bleeding out too.. with a small smile I looked up at the ceiling, the sound of sirens near by.

The young man had another weapon all the time, and had shot me in the stomach... in a quite fatal spot might I say. The woman ,as far as I could tell, in a fit of rage had tackled him right before the police bursted in.

My breathes were getting raspy, and the pain slowly subsided, my eyes felt heavy and I felt really cold. Heh, maybe this was why I was feeling so anxious this morning.
' ah how troublesome... if only I'd have eaten that other slice of pizza... I could've died in content..."
Slowly closing my eyes, I died with no regrets... I had told my mom I loved her, I got my dream job, I was married by the age of 22, lived an eventful life. I was content, even if it was short...


' Ugh.. why is it so bright in here...' slowly opening my eyes i was blinded by how bright it was, it took a while to adjust to the sight. I was in... I don't even know.. it was just white... everywhere.

My ears twitched as I heard the sound of a baby crying, and my body ached slightly as I was forcibly pulled into this swirl?

Once again, I opened my eyes, and was surprised to see a woman looking down at me.. I seemed to have been reborn as a baby.

" what will her name be?" A deep yet emotion felt voice said
"I really like Sara.. but I want our child to be loving.. and affectionate.. so her name will be Yua Uchiha.. what do you think about it, Riku?" The woman then looked to the side, I slowly turned my head to look at him, he was very handsome to the say least, he looked barely at the age of 30. Im assuming that he's my 'father'.

"I like it a lot Ichika.. it's lovely... Yua Uchiha.." so my mother name was Ichika?
Wait! I'm an uchiha? What... what.. what? What era in naruto is this.... judging by how things look I'd say like.. almost a hundred years before Naruto and the others were born....

Great.. I was reborn into the Narutoverse.. how troublesome.

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