The truce

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Madara was gone, Yua was gone, and Izuna was gone. The Uchiha clan was in a frenzy. They lost not one, but 3 of their higher ups. They lost their leader, his advisor, and his younger brother.

They had no idea where the trio went, but all they knew was that Izuna was with Madara. Yua was a loyal clansmen, so wherever Madara went, she would follow too.

The elders were livid. They hadn't expected such treasonous behavior. They didn't know what to do, until Hiroki, the eldest, spoke up.

"The Truce between the Senju's and Us is liable. Without our leader and his Advisor, our clan will be a target for other powerful clans, like the Hyuga's. If we were to form an alliance, we would be guaranteed safety. Albeit, most would be hostile. "

His brother, Hiroma, shouted out in fury.

"Hiroki! How could you say such things?! The Uchiha clan is a powerful clan, a direct descendant from Indra. We won't become allies with our enemies!"

"Think about it Hiroma! Our people are worried! Without our foundation, the building will crumble. Without our leader and advisor, we are nothing but a non functioning entity. We have no idea where they are, and when they'll return. For heavens sake they could be dead!" The words he spoke left his twin in shock.

Mumbles broke out between the remaining elders. What both parties spoke were the truth. They loved their clan dearly, and it was sad to see their people in such a state. If an alliance with the Senju the only choice to keep their clan safe, then they will surely take advantage of that.

"Settle down gentlemen. Hiroma, i agree with your brother Hiroki. It is the safest option at the moment. The Senju's may be our greatest enemy, but they will make a powerful ally. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. "


"Madara, where is Izuna?"

With a small shake of his head, Madara looked at the sky, a small frown upon his face.

"He didn't make it. He gave me his eyes.."

Although she already knew the answer, she too frowned. Her years spent with the siblings had its ups and downs, but Izuna was the one to always comfort her.

"Should we return to the clan now? They'll no longer trust us, for we've left them on their own for a while. "

"I believe that would be wise. For Izuna... i want peace. If that means forming an alliance with those Senju's, then so be it. I will achieve world peace. Even if i die trying"


"Madara~" Yua whined as she dragged her feet. They had been walking for almost a day, with no rest. She was beyond exhausted. The blazing sun only added to her slight discomfort.

With an irritated sigh, he swiftly turned around, Sharingan Blazing.

"Listen woman. Your whining is annoying, you're lucky that you're a childhood friend. Or else you would have been dead by now."

"Hmm? Did you just call me a friend??" A sly grin now sat atop her face. In their 11 years together as a pair, he had never once referred to her as a friend, up until now.

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