Madara Uchiha

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Applying pressure to her abdomen, Yua knelt on the ground, head hung in preparation of death. She had spent quite some time battling the man before her, but he had an ally waiting to catch her by surprise. Having found her blind spot, the ally made a move, leaving her surprised and awaiting death.

She was prepared to die again. She had nothing left to lose, her father had perished in the previous battle, and shortly after her mom fell ill and died. Both her brothers were sickly, and there was barely hope of helping them. Yes, she no longer held the will to live, she was nothing but an empty shell, doing others biding.

With a small smile on her lips, she closed her eyes. Seconds passed and she frowned, looking up. There and behold, stood Madara uchiha with an unimpressed look upon his face. Disappointment was one of the many emotions displayed in his eyes, and in shame she once again looked down. There were no words to describe how she felt.

She could only stare blankly as he mercilessly slaughterd their enemies; The Senju's.

Years had passed, and puberty had hit both Uchiha's like a truck. Madara in all his uchiha glory, became even more handsome as time went on. Yua was on the tall side, and had fairly tanned skin, due to her countless hours spent in the sun. As far as she knew, she was the only tan uchiha. Her bust had grown to be fairly decent, and she developed curves. She wasn't skinny, nor was she overly weighted. She didn't have a gap between her thighs, nor was her stomach extremely flat. One would think that after training studiously she would have rock hard abs, but that wasn't the case.

She was still a girl after all, and her organs needed room. Her thighs were pleasantly thick and toned, a feature she adored. She was the definition of a well portioned woman, an hourglass figure. Even with such a figure, she was still insecure; men had never taken an interest in her, hell she even wished women would look at her!

Now back to the war at hand. She silently followed Madara as he lead the remainder of the Uchiha Army home. He was upset, Furious even.

"You are all dismissed. My head advisor and I have matters to attend to. " his words were ice cold, so cold that a chill went down her spine. Izuna had been fatally wounded, and that led to Madara's hatred growing deeply for the Senju's

In a rush, everyone went to their respective homes. The medics quickly rushed Izuna to the small tent, in order to at least give him a chance to live.

Once again, Madara led her elsewhere. It was a stream, with water clear as day, and rocks lining it. She was confused as to why he brought her here, but she briefly remembered that this was where He and Hashirama first met.

"Do you think that the Alliance with the Senju's is the right thing?

Well, say something!"

She was stunned. In her 11 years of being by his side, he has never once asked her opinion on such a serious matter, that involves the future of the clan. He was slowly growing impatient, his tired eyes turning red with anger.

"In all honesty Madara, I think you should accept it. The truce would lead to no more  bloodshed. We won't have to fight anymore, and send our children to war. Our people can thrive, without the constant thought of war on their minds. It would seem wise to accept-"

"But they've wounded Izuna! How can I trust those scums when they've hurt the only person I have left?! All they've done is take away those I care about! Just tell me how?! How can I trust them, after they've done such things?!" His voice cracked. He was hurting, he was angry, he was sad, he was... lonely.

She has never seen him in such a state, and her heart ached for him. She understood the pain he went through. The only thing she could do for him, was offer him her support.

Slowly, she turned towards him, wrapping her slender arms around his shoulder. She had to slightly stand on the tips of her toes, but she could still reach his cheek. She softly placed a kiss on his cheek, and spoke with a tender voice.

"It'll be okay Madara, Izuna will be okay. The Uchiha's will thrive once more, and you have me at your side. I will always be there for you. Our 11 years together is not going to waste."

Minutes had passed as they stayed in the same position. It seemed like something clicked in his head, and he roughly shoved her away. Surprised at this sudden movement, she fell on her rear end, wincing as the palm of her left hand grazed a sharp stone.

"Get away from me weakling! You have no right to comfort the likes of me. You can barely look your opponent in the eye, much less comfort I, Madara Uchiha. "

Tears stung her eyes as she feverishly wiped them away. She was hurt at what he had said, it was the truth, but it still hurt nonetheless.

His eyes soften as he realized what he had done. Aside from Izuna, she was the only person at his side, even if she was reluctant for the first 2 years. He might not show it, but he also cared for her.

"Yua, I-"

"No, No.. don't apologize. I fear that what you've said is the truth. I uhm.. something got in my eyes.. if you'll excuse me, I'll be seeing a medic for my hand. Good evening Madara-sama" with a swift bow of her head, she walked away, sniffling and holding back the tears that threatened to fall.

Left behind was a frustrated Madara. He let out a yell, releasing all his emotions, all the pent up anger. The birds flew away, and the remaining animals froze in their tracks, surprised at the sound.

He fell to his knees as he clenched his fist, tears spilling out. He not only was going to lose Izuna, but because of his self serving attitude and quick temper, he was going to lose Yua too.

Then truly, he would have no one left.

End chapter

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