I'd have rather stayed dead than this.

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"You damn brats- wait til I get my hands on both of you!"

Wiping my face, I scowled as I looked down at my drenched body. I was soaking wet , my oh so lovely brothers decided that a nice wake up call was to pour water on me.

"Yua! Get dressed, your tou-san and I have something to discu... " mother's words slowly came to a halt as she stared at me.

"Oh my! What happened?!" She shrieked as she came into my room, staring at my soaked futon.

" those damn brats are what happened. Tch" lately it seemed as though my face was in a permanent scowl.

It's been 3 years since I last spoke to Madara. During that time interval, my father had been training me, both in combat and my studies. It didn't take long for me to adjust in combat, seeing as I was fairly familiar with it in my previous life.

"Yua... your brothers mean well... well er.. in a way, they're still young so please be patient with them"


Rather than the typical Uchiha 'Hn' I said 'Tch' a lot, now and then slipping 'Hn'.

"Yua.." mothers friendly smiled disappeared as it was replaced with an air of authority. I immediately unfolded my arms, straightening my posture.


"Get dressed and I'll inform you of the matter on the way to Riku's office"

Frowning, I grabbed my outfit, getting dressed. I wore a navy blue long sleeved shirt thingy, honestly I don't know what to call it, all I know is that it resembles Madara's, right Author-San? (Shhhhhhhh don't break the fourth wall-) I wore black plants underneath the long shirt thingy, and wrapped bandages around my waist, leaving my armor behind. I decided to also strap my Katana on my back.


"It seems that Madara-sama has been meeting with a senju"


"It appears to have been happening for a while now, Tajima-sama said that it's been going on for about 1-2 years now. Right after you and Madara-sama turned 8, so in January"


I'm not fairly surprised...

"This is one of the main reasons why your father is summoning you. You're close to being 10, 2 more years and you'd be ready to go to war... but your father will talk to you more about this" I could hear the pain in my moms voice as she spoke about the war. I was their oldest and only daughter.

"I'll be fine mom, I'm quite strong you know" I looked at her with a smirk. In all honesty, I had yet to unlock my Sharingan. Father seemed frustrated at that, no matter how good at Taijutsu I was, I stilled lacked in Genjutsu and without it my Ninjutsu is still incomplete.

"I know sweetheart... I just... I love you so much.." tears welled up in her eyes as she feverishly wiped them away.

"Okaa-san... " my lips straightened in a tight line, I looked away from her, walking ahead to fathers office.

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