Just friends?

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With a skip in her step, Yua walked around the compound. Everyone was getting ready to move. After agreeing to the alliance, the clan leaders agreed to create a village. They had yet to name it.

Her smile never fell, even as most glared in her direction. She was ecstatic, on cloud 9 per say.

After she and Madara had their first kiss, words were barely exchanged. Both were shy and never spoke of the matter, but she now knew of her feelings about him. In her previous life, she wouldn't bat an eye at him. But now spending time with him made her realize that he wasn't a bad man. His actions were horrible, but his intentions were not.

Her smile quickly dropped as she neared her house. This was her chance... she could change Madara, and hope to change the future for the Uchiha's and others who've suffered. If she changed him, Naruto would have his parents, the Akatsuki wouldn't be bad, the Uchiha Massacre wouldn't happen, Itachi wouldn't have to suffer. So much could be changed, if she got him to love her.

She didn't have a clear goal in mind, but the idea of changing the future frightened her. She had came across a giant, magnificent wall.
She was stuck, with no where to go. Slowly the walls closed in on her, and she closed her eyes in defeat.
She was clueless. Should she change the future? Or should she leave things as they are now?


With a soft sigh, she laid on her wooden floors near her backyard, legs hanging out from the ledge onto the ground. The door was wide open, and her body laid halfway in.

Her brothers were sound asleep in their rooms. She thanked the maids and medics for tending to them while she was gone, but yet they still stared at her in disappointment.

Not only did she have to worry about the future of many who weren't born, but she had to worry about the future of her siblings.
They were the reason why she chose to learn medical ninjutsu. She wanted to find something, anything that could slow down their sickness.
They were too young, much too young. They were just 17, and spent 7 years ill.

She wanted to cry. Izuna was no longer alive, so she couldn't rely on him for Moral support. His wise words never failed to cheer her up.

It was at this moment, that she realized how truly and utterly alone she was.

She was a lost young adult.

With no guidance.

Her breathing was rough. She felt like she was having a panic attack. Clutching her chest, she sat up. Her heart ached, her head throbbed, and breathing was hard.
The tears fell harder, and she silently cried. She didn't have a shoulder to lean on, she didn't have a friend to go to, nor did she have a lover. She only had herself.


Smiling softly, she ran her hands through Madara's hair.

He had once again fallen asleep at his desk. His mountain load of paperwork neatly stacked behind him.

He looked ethereal as  the moonlight shone on his face. His hair like a spikey crown as it laid sprawled around his head.
Looking at him more closely, she realized how perfect he was. Not a blemish in sight, no scars, nothing. His skin was healthy and evenly toned, along with being smooth. His hair was well taken care off, and although its spikey exterior gave off a "don't touch me" vibe, it was quite soft.

"Yua... would you please stop that?"

With a small squeak, she quickly jumped away from him.

Yawning, he sat up. Closing his eyes, he stretched and his bones popped.
Not knowing how he woke up, her cheeks flushed. She was flustered and embarrassed.

"Why are you in my office at such an ungodly hour?"

"Well, i had come to see if you have eaten already. But it seemed that you fell asleep, so i- i- uhm.."

"You decided to play with my hair?" He raised his eyebrow and gave her a hard stare.

"No-no-no- ... i- uhm.. I'm deeply sorry Madara!" She dipped her head in a bow. She hung it low, so low that it touched the floor.

"Raise your head. There is no need to bow"

Getting up from his position at the desk, he walked towards her, kneeling down.
Gently placing his hand beneath her chin, he raised her head.

"You needn't bow to me. I am not mad with you."

With a small nod, she gulped. It was now or never. She wanted to know about his feelings for her.
"Uhm.. Madara.. can we talk about our... our uhm.. kiss..?"

It was as if he developed a different personality. He dropped his hand from its position, and it fell back to his side.
Quickly standing up, he glared down at her. His words were harsh, and angry.

"Kiss? That was merely a moment of weakness. I do not have time for feelings, i am a busy man and i would prefer if your silly crush didn't get in my way."

Her heart shattered. She felt numb, and she could only nod at him. She didn't know what to say, her mind raced with words.

She had once again, been rejected by someone she deeply liked.
This time, it wasn't a small crush, she truly loved him.
His words stung, but no tears came forward. Slowly standing up, she didn't spare a glance at him.

"So, I'm assuming that we'll just be friends? No not even... we're just subordinates. "

Her words startled him. Her voice was devoid of any emotion, her body language did not reveal anything.

"Yes.. that is correct, i suppose."

"Oh.. well, i shall get going. See you at the council meeting tomorrow, Madara-sama"

This chapter was slightly rushed. I wrote it like not even within 20 minutes of posting the last one. I'm sorry if things seemed so scattered.

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