I'm sorry

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"Son of a bitch! Why are you her-"

Smiling softly, Yua held back Yuma, as he attempted to claw at Madara's face.

"Quite lively aren't you Yuma? I assume that you're feeling better? Where's Ren?"

"What is it that you want Madara-sama? I take it that its clan matters? If not I'm quite busy as it is-"

"Take a walk with me"


"You're not dumb, and you know how i hate repeating myself"

Blinking rapidly,  Yua could only gap at the man standing in front of her. Had she heard him right? Was this all a dream? So many questions ran through her head, yet were left unanswered.

"Can't it wait for another day, perhaps? I am quite busy with my brothers-"

"It wouldn't be wise to defy me, now would it?"

"Of course not my lord. I will be right there, give me a moment as i grab my shoes. "

With an irritated sigh, she turned around, muttering just barely for him to hear.


"Remember when we were kids? And i would foolishly provoke you?"

"Well you still do regardless of age, you never cease to annoy me"

She rolled her eyes after finishing off her statement. Madara wanted something, and she guaranteed that the reason he was here.. was to apologize. 

"Well, that makes the both of us. Hashi and I came up with a name with the village.  Konohagakure, is the name. "

"Village hidden in the leaves.. huh.. has a nice ring to it. But please don't beat around the bush Porcupine.  It doesn't suit you"

"Well i suppose you are correct.  I assume that you've already deduced my reason for being here?"

Although she already knew the answer, it still hurt a bit. She's known Madara since she's been born, he wouldn't simply apologize unless it benefited him.

"You want me to continue my post as advisor, am i correct? You only came here to win me over, or attempt to fool me."

"22 years together did pay off huh"
Chuckling softly, he stopped walking, staring ahead. His eyes fixated on the children playing in the Uchiha Compounds, as he slowly turned to face her.

"I simply have no choice to refuse, do i? "

"No, you don't.  Unless you want to meet the same fate as many who've crossed me. Pick your poison Yua, choose wisely. "

"Tch, asshole. I really wish i could run away" she scoffed then turned around. She was really hurt.. hearing it come from his mouth was completely different than knowing on her own. What a foolish girl she was.

"Well, that was all i came for. Now if you'll excuse me, i have paper work to do-"

" 'I can't get disappointed if I never expected anything in the first place..' is what my mom used to say. I was very foolish for loving a man like you. You only want me for my power and for what i can offer to you. When will you see that what you do always ends up affecting me? How selfish can you keep being?. How stupid of me to love a man who only loves himself."

With a soft smile, she walked towards him. How her heart ached, and pulsed quickly. She felt like breaking down, never showing her face to the outside world, but she had to be brave. She couldn't let a man ruin her life.

"All i have to do.. is get rid of my feelings for you right. I won't regret it right? I can be free to love another man right? I don't have to endlessly wait on you, like a dotting dog right?"

"Yua.. what are you-"

"That Senju man.. Tobirama was it? He seemed quite charming. However his hate for the Uchiha runs thicker than blood. Hashirama is also handsome, very kind and loyal.. he is someone who cares and loves everyone. Someone i need in my life."

Staring deeply into his eyes, she frowned. Tears spilled from her once beautiful eyes, the eyes that once reflected kindness and love towards him. Now these eyes... oh these eyes, now they only held dislike, and sadness. The opposite of what they once were.

"...I believe it would be wise to go home now"

Scoffing lightly,  Madara gripped her left wrist in a tight hold.
"Running away from your problems i see? I have yet to put in my thoughts. Lets go to that lake yes?"


"You've always been annoying. Talking about trivial things, never letting someone put in their thoughts. "

Grabbing a pebble { ;) i swear-}, Madara fiddled with it, then picked up another. Yua sat down on a rock, disapproving of his presence.

"I know that my behavior towards you in the past hasn't been.. the best. And i realize my mistakes, you're not only an asset to the clan and village, but you're also someone i care about. You, and your brothers, are the closest i have to family. You three are the only people i hold dear, who are still alive. "


"So, tell me, what can i do, to make up for 22 years of torture and hate?"

"Go out with me"


My iPad may be getting fixed soon >:^D
That means more updates~ i don't know how long this book may be. Maybe 16 chapters? At most 20, i already have the end written... soo

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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