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My heart was ready to come out from its rib cage. I was falling at high speeds.

I evaded two or three floating fire balls, which I didn't now why they were there in the first place.


Just when I was about to hit another unsuccessfully evaded fire ball, a hand pulled me out of the way. I could swear that the heat from the fire ball had made me sweat more than I was already after the falling.

Lucifer chuckled as my trembling self, threw him a glare.

"THAT was NOT funny! I almost died!"

He continued to laugh as I thrashed in his embrace.

"It would be a lie to say I wasn't enjoying it. You seemed like you were having fun."

I countered,

"How can you call, me crying my eyeballs out while falling from who knows where; from unholy heights, FUN?! Stop laughing at me and hold me tighter! I feel myself slipping..."

His hold on me tightened as one of his hands tried to sooth me back from my stressful state.

As he flew and glided lower, he continued our conversation.

"I would never let you fall to your death. As much as I am a demon, I wouldn't stand seeing a very important person to me, die."

I glanced at his face to distract myself from how high we were, but as soon as his eyesight caught mine, I looked down. He smirked and again spoke.

"Didn't know you were scared of heights..."

I answered,

"I am not scared of heights. Going up mountains on firm soil is totally different from getting roller-coasted by a man with wings on mid-air."

He threw another one of his chuckles.

I continued.

THE SHADOW BOOK OF DEMONS: NEAR THE END OF DAYSWhere stories live. Discover now